The Brand Flip Why Customers Now Run Companies and How to Profit from It
In the 13 years since Marty Neumeier wrote The Brand Gap, the gulf between business strategy and customer experience has finally begun to shrink. Many companies have bridged the gap to build powerful brands, radically differentiating their products and doubling down on design. But even the most successful haven't read the full memo. The rise of branding, now fueled by social media, has placed the future of companies firmly in the hands of customers. This is the brand flip, a pan-industry judo throw that's taking down some companies and raising others to the status of superstars. In this refreshingly clear book, Neumeier shows you how to make the leap to a consumer-driven future using a mixture of advice and tools presented in a lively graphic format. You'll learn how to make the flip from selling features to selling experience, from cost-based pricing to relationship-based pricing, from value protection to value creation, and from satisfaction to empowerment. And, thanks to Neumeier's fast-paced whiteboard format, you'll learn it all in less time than it takes to read through Facebook's latest privacy update. The choice today is simple: Flip or be flipped.
Julian Paul@julianpaul
Reiza H@rererei93
Marcus Lacerda@marcuslacerd
Nikki Milton@karlitea
Nikki Milton@karlitea
Hussein Mahran@hmahran
John Philpin@johnphilpin
Faheem Kajee@faheem
Gabriel Mendonca@d0nsa
Martin Heuer@maddin
Daniel Figueiredo@obio
Daniel Figueiredo@obio
Stanley Wood@stanleywood
Zach Grosser@zachgrosser
Mehul Srivastava@mehulmehul
Maxwel Quintão@itsmaxwel
Maxwel Quintão@itsmaxwel
Keely Adler@keels223
Lupas Alexandru@lupas