The Children of Jocasta

I have to admit, as a myths enthusiast, I haven't read Oedipus Rex. Mainly because I prefer Euripides than Sophocles. But don't fret, you don't need to know the whole story of a mythological retelling to enjoy it. I know the story of Oedipus, but Children of Jocasta sheds a new light to the tale. One thing that I really like from this book is the absence of Greek Gods and Goddesses in the story. One thing that I don't like is how Haynes just shorten Jocasta's children names to 'Polyn', 'Eteo','Ani' and 'Isy'. It made me confused. The book is comprised into two different narrative, of Jocasta's Children and of Jocasta herself. I have to say that the Jocasta narrative is more interesting and I love how Haynes made Jocasta in love with Oedipus instead of just fulfilling a prophecy. However it is by far not my top mythological retellings.

Ì loved this book so much! I knew the story really vaguely, but that made it even better!

A retelling just wasn’t telling.
I like her writing style and loved the idea of a new perspective on the story, however I could not look past the differences regarding the original stories by Sophocles.


This book was something. I went in the story with the knowledge of Antigone and that was all. I then learned about Oedipus from a friend. this was something. I was surprised and angry and confused. I do have a favourite character and the writing was incredibly. I really enjoyed the fact it was about 2 women we never talk about in the myths and that they were both linked. I did cry and it was worth it.

The Children of Jocasta not only retells the myth of Oedipus, it completely reframes the original myth. This is what retellings are supposed to do, in my opinion. When authors write books claiming they're retelling a myth but don't add or take away any elements--when they simply don't make it their own--it's hard to accept that as a true retelling. Myths were passed down orally, and each speaker chose to tell it their own way. So, why should writing about myths be any different? Some people in the reviews are upset this novel doesn't include incest, like in the Oedipus myth we're familiar with. But, Haynes includes in her wonderful author's note that just because Sophocles' is the most popular version, that doesn't mean it was the first or only version of this myth. Haynes is bringing a different tale to the table, and it works. This novel is compelling and suspenseful. It's insightful. It reminds me very much of Christa Wolf's Medea; there's something sinister lying underneath. This is one of those books you need to read more than once to truly grasp, which I certainly plan to do. With a touch of humor, this is a nice contrast with an omniscient narrator and first person narration. We get slightly different perspectives on some things, forcing the reader to really pay attention and use their own judgement on certain scenes. I loved all the characters and enjoyed how complex they are. This is one of the best retellings I've read. I must admit, I have not read the Sophocles plays. I'm sure that will upset some purists, but I am familiar with the story as I mentioned earlier, although less familiar with Antigone. I think Haynes did a magnificent job with this project.

Interesting retelling of the three Theban plays! This book focuses on Jocasta (the wife of Oedipus and mother of Antigone, Ismene, Polynices and Eteocles) and her daughter Ismene. I don't want to spoil anything, but you will perhaps be surprised by how this tale has been spun. Reading the acknowledgements at the end is also very interesting and worthwhile; Natalie Hayes makes it clear why she chose to tell the story this way and how Greek myths such as "Oedipus" have never been written in one specific way and have many different versions.

Read for my Care of Magical Creatures O.W.L 2020 #magicalreadathon2020. Hippogriffs: creature with a beak on the cover. Career - Auror (done). Extra completed O.W.L

why must natalie haynes always hurt me this way


I absolutely loved, loved this book! Natalie Haynes is simply a genius 👏✨📚
