The Crown of Gilded Bones

I will forever cringe at the word honeydew.

i'm free

This book was literally the best book so far. Kept me on the edge of my seat the entire time WOW

The smut in this is top tier. However, the information dumping makes me wanna die.


3.5 stars. I deserve financial compensation for having the word honeydew ruined for me. Also, much respect for Cas having a life-long stuffed animal companion. ALSO, why are we three books in and there STILL hasn’t been a Poppy/Cas/Kieran threesome, I’m getting impatient

The Crown of Gilded Bones: 2/5 “You will bow before your Queen.” Casteel eyed the Atlantian coolly. “Or you will bleed before her. It is your choice.” Premise: The much anticipated third book in the From Blood and Ash series has finally hit the shelves. Without giving too much away, Poppy must navigate her new life regarding her newly discovered bloodline. She wars between doing what is best for her, versus the best for her people, as a new threat rises to seize Atlantia. Poppy is now thrown into a new plot, awakening old powers and discovering new ones within herself. Writing & Plot: This category where most of my issues come into play. The book's beginning 150 pages are nonstop. The reader is vastly overwhelmed with information. A lot of political strategies are the middle 300 pages, and the final 150 finally picks up again. The pacing is usual within these books, so it wasn't too jarring for me, but I was confused at some points. The plot overall, though, is entertaining. Now, for the writing. The Crown of Gilded Bones overwhelmingly feels like the first draft, in my opinion. Some paragraphs repeat the same information repeatedly and pages filled with text that has nothing to do with anything. The dialogue chapters stretch out so much that it teeters on the intersection of bland, predictable, and annoying. I feel like the book could have cut 200 pages, and it still would have had the same plot. Was it essential to have Poppy's father revealed four different times? With four other people? I felt like The Crown of Gilded Bones fell apart with Poppy's heritage. The bloodlines were extremely confusing towards the end of the book and almost impossible to follow. I was getting annoyed with the constant back and forth with reveal after reveal flip-flopping. Overall, I feel like an editor could have solved all of these issues. This book could be great if it was just edited a bit more and honed into the crucial pieces rather than every tiny detail. There was much emphasis on Poppy's everyday life, and JLA could have omitted pages of these details. It was easy to lose the light of a more significant plotline. Sidenote, I have no idea how JLA will extend this to six books. The ending, though? It was okay. Characters: On the other hand, I think Poppy has vastly improved in The Crown of Gilded Bones from A Kingdom of Flesh and Fire. I caught the vibe that she is finally thinking for herself, but I still wish she would be a bit less co-dependent on Casteel. That aside, I understand this is a romance book, so it is only my personal preference. Furthermore, some parts of Poppy gave off "pick me" vibes. I get it, girl; you're unique. Along these lines, I liked Casteel more within this installment, but there was still the "trope" that he thinks being stabbed is hot. I don't know, parts of Casteel make me wildly uncomfortable, but he was okay. Kieran is excellent. Probably the only character in this book that I enjoyed. "There cannot be equality in power if there is no choice." Conclusion: I feel conflicted because this book was good in some ways, but in others, this book suffered. The plotline lacked the addictive qualities its two predecessors had and dragged on for too long, attributed mainly to the massive info dumps put within Poppy's extremely unnecessary detailed inner monologues. In my opinion, this book did not quite live up to the previous two, and I am getting so tired of this series. Just make it end.



the beginning and the ending of this book made up for the rest of the book. i felt like 70% of the book is one huge information dump and just consists of people talking, it is incredibly boring. but the beginning and ending are actually fun, content-filled, and totally engaging.

I was nervous starting this book because I've seen alot of hate for The crown of gilded bones but I think this is the best of this series. The plot for the most part was fast paced and there were many twists and turns. I loved the characters and Poppy and Casteel will always be my favorite book couple. The tension between them is to die for and I just love reading about Poppy and Casteel so much


2.5 stars, still fun with weird pacing, thin plots to go with the softcore porn. But I am enjoying the adventure.

Wasn't my favorite and definitely took me much longer to finish than the others. Usually by the end I'm super invested but I never really felt that "I must keep reading" vibe. However, still gonna read the fourth book 🤪 can't ditch bby casteel like that

This one was my favorite out of the series so far! Right from the beginning, you’re really thrown into where the last book left off which really didn’t end after the climax. Very fast paced, lots of action and moving parts. Loved it!

Thank you so much to Social Butterflies for giving me a chance to read this in exchange for an honest review. Another confession: Casteel just took my heart away 💖 ___________________ I have to say, I am the most luckiest people on the planet to actually read this book. Like, when I asked if I was able to get an ARC copy of this book, I had so many doubts. Who wouldn't? We're talking about THE Blood and Ash series book number 3 here (minus the short book of Hawke aka Casteel's POV at the Red Pearl). But oh my lord, you all should've seen my face when I saw the cover of 'The Crown of Gilded Bones' right on my kindle. I screamed. And when I say screamed, I mean SCREAMED THE HELL OUT (it bothered my next door neighbour a lot). Of course, I didn't leave my butt out of my bed until I savoured every words written on the pages, reading every bit of emotions Poppy felt and from others, the heated love radiating from Casteel and Poppy. To be honest, I think I fell more in love with Kieren than Casteel but we won't talk about that . . . *** There were so many things improved while I was reading this book. First off, the whole Poppy-being-violent part that was mentioned quite A LOT in AKOFAF but in TCOGB, it was reduced (I am so happy about this) because of course I loved that JLA showed Poppy was a definite badass but it seemed too much. Sure, there are bits here and there where Poppy threatens her beloved husband to stab her (which we all know he likes) these kind of things happened like once in a while. Plus, the romance got so much more sizzling I thought it was going to burn my kindle. But it was also quite sweet in a way. There were some ups and downs with Poppy and Casteel's relationship but that only made them to be stronger: to sacrifice for each other and love each other so much more. I think TCOGB has the most sizzling moments and SO MUCH sweet, cheesy and romantic gestures here and there both from Casteel and Poppy. And their small bickering and threatening each other (Poppy with her violent threats and Casteel's with those secrets-behind-the-words threats) and I loved all those moments and cherished them in my heart. Alas, the pace seemed kind of slow. Like, half-way through the book we FINALLY meet Casteel's parents properly. Like, JLA put a lot of descriptions in every chapter and I loved reading them but they just dragged some parts where actions were needed. *** This book starts off right after where Queen Eloana bowing down and that's when all the drama starts to happen. There were so many questions bubbling up inside me about how this was possible and so many damn questions about Poppy's abilities. These were all answered throughout the book and I was very grateful for that. However, I think there were too many informations in this book for me to consume. Some things didn't make sense to me so I had to go back and read again so that I was able to understand better. I think JLA wanted to put in as much informations as she could so that when the next book is out, there would be more actions, drama and love (I'm telling y'all, the ending of this book made me so mad but I'll explain that later). Of course, Poppy gets quite emotional and consumed by all these knowledge coming into her head but she takes them better than I did. When she learns that she is the true heir of Atlantia and has seize the gilded crown to become queen, she becomes too overwhelmed. There are so many dark secrets that are being unraveled both for Poppy and Casteel, their enemies and growing and the staked are so much higher. Even the first 6 chapters of the books have so much actions my eyes were so wide. It even made me cry a little bit in the middle of the book . . . *** Poppy becomes so much stronger and her powers keep growing and growing throughout this book. And we can totally see that she is a badass character and she becomes so much beautiful. To me and Casteel. She saves so many people that she cares and loves about and I was grinning when she snapped at some Lords in Atlantia and spoke her mind freely. Although, I was a little sad that she didn't have many friends (it was heavily focused on her, Casteel and Kieran). Unsurprisingly, her random questions never end for Kieran that I actually feel sorry for him. If she asks him why the stars glow or some random shit, I will laugh SO HARD. Casteel, our beloved (dark) prince charming who never fails to amaze me in every way. He shows so passionately about how he loves Poppy to anyone and really teases and makes Poppy blush and smile. They really are a true couple I will ship forever and always. He also makes such good quotes that I highlighted about 14 that was said from him. Kieren, my very very adorable (and arragont) wolven made me fall in love with him too. He becomes so much more into this book than any other books in this series and I am very grateful that he is happier through this journey of TCOGB (who knows what or even WHO makes him happier . . . I'm not going to say anything). I am not going to say ANYTHING about the Joining . . . And (O.M.G) the ENDING makes me want to rip my kindle apart. JLA seems to like her readers hanging on a cliffhanger before everything falls apart. I was CRYING with several tissues lying around me when it was about 96% of the book. And DAMN the ENDING makes me so so excited for her next book (which is what, MONTHS AWAY). But I loved this book so much. It was improved a lot from the last two books from this Blood and Ash series and let's not forget the tag: TeamCasteelDa'Neer Also, I wanted to give you guys all a small gift if you are a fan of this Blood and Ash series (; If you haven't read it yet, below is a link to three sample chapters of TCOGB!! (breathe, breathe). This is NOT a spoiler since it was announced in JLA's subscribing email. https://jenniferlarmentrout.com/books... (you just have to click on the link, then scroll down to "where to purchase" and there should be a blue tab wich says 'three chapters' and tah dah three chapters for TCOGB!)

This series truly has my heart ♥️ It continues to get better and better! The beginning was an absolute emotional wreck! I love the plot development and the continued depth to the characters and world building. I love it!
Casteel and Poppy 💕

The series is slowly getting better. Way too much unnecessary filler. The whole shock factor just got confusing and hard to track. The ending felt rushed, should’ve ended three chapters sooner at the end of the meeting.

Loved it!!!!

The way this series have me in ha chokehold is ridiculous. The plot, romance and smut was immaculate. I have nothing to complain about because this series just keep getting better for every book and when I think it goes in one direction it gives me whiplash when it completely turns around. And the worst thing is when a book is predictable but that was not the case in this book. This book gets all the emotions out from me, it had me sobbing, curling my toes, smiling like and idiot and some times I wanted to throw the book across my room. Which makes me hate it and love it in the same time because it broke my heart and nothing will ever be close to as good as this. And don't get me started on Poppy, Casteel and Kieran. I love them so much and will not hear any negative about them. I love how they act together and their relationship. It so wholesome and sweet and hilarious. I can't even string a sentence together because it will not give them justice. Can't wait to the next book.

The crown of gilded bones is my favorite of the blood and ash series so far. I really need to recover from yet another intense plot twist ending but what the heck this book was amazing
I was nervous starting this book because I've seen alot of hate for The crown of gilded bones but I think this is the best of this series. The plot for the most part was fast paced and there were many twists and turns. I loved the characters and Poppy and Casteel will always be my favorite book couple. The tension between them is intense and I just love reading about Poppy and Cas so much. The plot twist at the end left me reeling and I'm so glad that The war of two queens is already out !
There were a few things I didn't like :
Poppy's inner monologue tired me sometimes and Kiernan is right, she asks too many questions. Along with the guess who is Poppy's father but nobody actually knows who it is. These things were a bit tiring at times but I still really enjoyed reading this book and I just can't get enough of Poppy, Cas and Kiernan

5 stars for the badassery that is Poppy

Fun fantasy saga continues...

“Bravery is a fleeting beast, isn’t it? Always there to get you into trouble, but quick to disappear once you’re where you want to be.”

“I guess I am the Queen of Flesh and Fire.” Casteel nodded as he stalked toward me, his eyes a heated amber. “I know you’re the Queen of my heart.” Blinking, I lowered my hands as he stopped in front of me. “Did you seriously just say that?” One dimple appeared as he clasped the back of my head and lowered his head to mine. “I sure as fuck did.” “That was so…cheesy,” I said. “I know.” Casteel kissed me, and there was nothing ridiculous about that. His tongue parted my lips, and I welcomed his taste. “This is a little awkward,” Vonetta observed. “They do this all the time,” Kieran sighed. “You’ll get used to it.”

“You’re so annoying,” I muttered. “Endearingly annoying,” he corrected, and his father sighed. “More like it’s a good thing you’re pretty,” I grumbled under my breath. Casteel tugged me back to his side, folding an arm around me. Before I could protest, he lowered his mouth until it was only an inch or so from mine. “More like it’s a good thing you love me unconditionally.” “That, too.” I sighed.

“Can I share something with you?” Willa leaned in, touching my arm. A faint charge of energy danced over my skin. “You weren’t the only one seeking sanctuary that night. He was in need of shelter—one that could bear the weight of his desires, his love, and his pain. And he found it. He may have given you freedom, but you have given him more than you could ever know.”

“You will bow before your Queen.” Casteel eyed the Atlantian coolly. “Or you will bleed before her. It is your choice.”

An urge to shrink in the chair, to make myself as small and invisible as possible swept through me, but it was brief because I was neither small nor invisible. And I would never be that again.

It was okay to be nervous. Who wouldn’t be in my situation? But I wasn’t afraid. Because they were right. I was brave. I was fearless. And I ran from no one and nothing—and that included a crown.

“The heart doesn’t care how long you may have with someone.” Kieran looked over at me, his eyes sheltered. “It just cares that you have the person for as long as you can.”

“My Queen,” he murmured, lashes sweeping up as his eyes met mine. And that connection—the one tied to my heart and soul was just as life-changing. “I guess I will have to stop calling you Princess.”

“I could spend an eternity on my knees before you,” he vowed, his eyes amber jewels.

“And you? Do you want to make war?” “Very few men don’t want to make war, while nearly every woman wants to end it.(...)"

“You,” he said, his voice thick and tone reverent. “All I ever need is you. Now. Always.”

“I’m living because of you, Cas, and I mean that both literally and figuratively. You think you’re not worthy of me? In reality, I sometimes wonder if I’m not worthy of you.” “Poppy—” “It’s true.” I squeezed the back of his neck. “Nothing you say can change that, but I know. I know in here.” I pressed my palm to my chest. “That I would do anything for you. I know you would do anything for me. You have, and nothing in this realm or any other will ever change that or how I feel about you. Nothing should ever make you forget that I laugh because of you.”

His mouth closed over mine, and I loved the way he kissed me, like my very taste was enough for him to live on.

His faith in me touched a small, insecure spot deep inside me that I wasn’t sure I knew existed until that moment. A part of me that worried I asked too many questions, understood too little of this world, and that I was only stumbling from one shock to the next. But he was right. I was still standing. I was still dealing. I was strong.

“First and foremost, you won’t be a terrible Queen, Poppy.” “You have to say that,” I said, rolling my eyes. “Because you’re my husband, and because you’re afraid I’ll stab you if you say otherwise.” “Fear is not remotely what I feel when I think you might stab me.”

“You love your people—” “But I love you more.” Flecks of gold burned brightly in his eyes, churning restlessly. “Do not underestimate what I would or would not do to ensure your happiness. I think you know this by now. There is nothing that I wouldn’t do, Poppy. Nothing.”

“I do not want to be party to forcing you into yet another role you did not ask for nor desire. I will not replace the veil you loathed with a crown you hate. If you do not want to take the Crown, I will support you,” he swore, and the intensity in his words captured me. The irrevocable oath he was making. “And if you decide you want to take what is yours, claim the throne, I will set this entire kingdom on fire and watch it burn if that ensures that the crown sits on your head.”

“I am unworthy of you,” he stated roughly. “You are a dream.” My fingers fell away from the neckline as I looked over at him. Casteel’s arms had fallen to his sides as his gaze swept over me. His chest rose sharply. “Your hair. That gown.” His eyes heated. “You are so beautiful, Poppy.” “Thank you.” I felt my throat warm as my heart swelled. “And you are worthy.” He smiled as he cleared his throat. “Please tell me you’re wearing your dagger.” Fighting a grin, I lifted the right side of the skirt to my thigh. Casteel groaned. “Gods, you’re perfect.”

I snapped forward, grabbing the edge of a mask. I yanked hard. Rope snapped. The mask slipped free— “Oh, my gods!” I shrieked as I staggered back. The thing didn’t have a face. Not really. There was no nose. No mouth. Just thin, black slits where eyes should’ve been. Everything else was smooth, thin, pale flesh. I would never unsee this. “Take it back! Here.” I flung the bronze mask back at the thing. The metal bounced off its chest and hit the ground. It cocked its head to the side. “What?” Kieran shifted toward me. “Holy shit, it’s a—I think it’s a Gyrm.” “A what?” “Something that does not belong here.” “That’s not helpful.” I pointed at it with my dagger. “It has no face!” “I can see that.” “How does it even breathe?” “Now”—he grunted as one of the things jumped on his back. Bending, he flipped it over—“is not the time for questions, Poppy.”
This scene got me dead 😂😂