The Cruel Prince

Felt like reading a fairytale.
An easy read, for most of the book you don’t really know where the plot is going but kind of enjoyed that.
Then towards the end it really ramps up, quite predictable but really good.

3-3.5 stars from me
I definitely think you should understand going into this book this isn’t a romantasy book. The romance portion is so low that I don’t think you can even put it into that category and that’s totally fine!
This book is clearly a set up for the rest of the series which is also fine, there are a lot of politics in the book so if that’s your thing you’ll love this one!

simplesmente incrível.

Not one of my favorite sagas for nothing, nothing like good conspiracies with a very slight touch of romance

Amazing book! It does have a few rude words in though. 🙂

surprisingly gewwwd

So good 🫶🏻😭

When I think of a fantasy story , I'm looking for a few things: sharp writing, well-plotted story, compelling characters, and seamless worldbuilding. And if there's a dash of romance, I certainly love, this book has them all! There's so much packed into this one story: politics, family drama, revenge, power, and murder. There's even a bit of romantic intrigue disguised as mutual hate. I will say the world building was slow but halfway through I was turning pages as fast as I could.

Hard read. Why does he have a tail?!?! Good story though

I was looking for a quick and easy fantasy novel and The Cruel Prince proved to be perfect. With high school’esk bullying, the yearning to prove oneself, politics, fighting, and an enemies to lovers trope, what more could you ask for? For the YA fantasy novel it is, the book was charming and managed a few plot twists that I wasnt expecting in the least. If you’re looking for something quick and easy I’d highly recommend.

This book speaks to me the same way ACOWAR did with the politics except this series does the political nuances justice. Well written. Hard to put down.

Not going to lie, the book just cured me from reading slump.

that’s what I’m TALKIN ABOUT

loved reading this one and can’t wait to continue with the other books in the trilogy! usually the first book of book series are quite slow but this one was definitely intriguing and kept me hooked

damn, i didn’t see it coming

3,5 ⭐️


To było dobre

Didn´t like it. Ploeteren om erdoor te raken.

as a self-proclaimed booktok hater, I am surprised to say that this was the best book/series that god forsaken app has ever recommended to me thus far...and I mean like...im kindaaaa obsessed with this series. it has a real and intriguing plot, characters that actually impress me, and very well written although sometimessss obnoxious. romance in books like these make or break it for me--i have pretty high expectations for those storylines--but JUDE AND CARDAN?????? I dont think ive read a better enemies to lovers. it just adds to the story, not overpower it and surprises you at every corner. yeah this series just has me in a chokehold. dont even get me started on wicked king

so unfortunate but these books r good

He leans in and closes his eyes. "Most of all, I hate you because I think of you. Often. It's disgusting, and I can't stop."

"Nice things don't happen in storybooks," Taryn says. "Or when they do happen, something bad happens next. Because otherwise story would be boring, and no one would read it."

He has been raised up in it, instructed in its nuances, honed through its appli-cation. However horrible Cardan might be, I now see what he might become and am truly afraid.

No matter how careful l am, eventually I'll make another misstep. I am weak. I am fragile. I am mortal. I hate that most of all. Even if by some miracle, I could be better than them, I will never be one of them.

I want to win. I do not yearn to be their equal. In my heart, I yearn to best them.
Jude Duarte, The Cruel Prince

"Have I told you how hideous you look tonight?" Cardan asks, leaning back in the elaborately carved chair, the warmth of his words turning the question into something like a compliment.
"No," I say, glad to be annoyed back into the present. "Tell me."
"I cannot," he says, then frown.
Holly Black, The Cruel Prince

Come back when returning feels like a hard choice instead of an easy one.
Jude Duarte

If the Court isn't busy drinking poison, then it's drinking its bile.
Holly Black, The Cruel Prince



with Vivi, i feel forever doomed to be the little sister, foolish and about to topple over onto my face.

Sometimes I just want to hate her; if can hate her, then I won’t be so bad that I love him.”

“Being mortal means I have to try harder.”
This one had a little kick to it

“He’s wrong about me. I am going to make my mayfly life count for something; if I cannot be better than them, I will become so much worse.”

He seems taken aback, although the sneer doesn’t leave his face.
“Yeah, yeah, sure. I am going to die. And I am a big liar. So what?”
She had me giggling this entire chapter

“I am afraid that If I begin to feel, I won’t be able to bear it. I am afraid that the emotion will be like a wave sucking me under. It’s not the first awful thing I have endured and pushed into the back of my brain. That’s how I’ve been coping, and if there’s another, better way, I do not know it.”

“Now, here, you see, it takes all the running you can do, to keep in the same place,” she reads. “If you want to get somewhere else, you must run at least twice as fast as that!”

“Our lives are the only real thing we have, our only coin. We get to buy what we want with them.”

"Of course, Taryn is right about stories. Bad things happen to those princesses. They are pricked with thorns, poisoned by apples, married to their own fathers. They have their hands cut off and their brothers turned into swans, their lovers chopped up and planted in basil pots. They vomit up diamonds. When they walk, it feels as though they’re walking on knives.
They still manage to look nice."