
Ending so sad because of how much they lost but then they gained their freedom at last

Závěrečný díl trilogie mě nebavil, jelikož mi přišlo, že postrádal nějakou akci. Na začátku knihy se objevujeme ve městě, jedním z mála míst, kam se Erupce ještě nedostala úplně. Nakonec se Thomas a pár kamarádů dostane do sídla ZLOSINu, kde čelí nástrahám a dalším zkouškám. Děj nebyl napínavý, spíše se jen snažil zakončit celou sérii. Potřebovalo se tam hrozně moc věcí dořešit, a stejně nebylo vyjasněno všechno, a tak vznikly ještě dva prequely. Po dočtení knihy jsem se zamyslela nad tím, proč jsem z tohoto dílu vlastně tak zklamaná, co jsem od něj očekávala. A dostala jsem se k závěru, že jsem od něj neočekávala více či méně než tolik, kolik jsem nakonec dostala. Každá kapitola byla v ději důležitá, nebylo tam až moc výplňkových částí, a já jsem tedy nakonec usoudila, že jsem spokojená, i když jsem si knihu tolik neužila. ✩ 4*/5*

This entire series is riddled with twists and turns at every corner that I don't even bother getting surprised anymore. Because of this series I've learned to expect the unexpected.

2.5 stars I did it, I finally finished this series. I have to say I like the movies better *le gasp* only because the plot isn't necessarily what I don't like, I just am not really attached to the characters and I find the writing style hard to read, and both of those things can be fixed by a movie. (view spoiler)[ Can I just talk about the ending for a second. Like what actually happened, I never expected that was how it was going to end. Literally they escape and leave the world to deal with the Flare and all the Cranks. Then, in the epilogue, you find out that the Chancellor's plan was to isolate the Immunes in their little paradise and let them continue the human race while the rest of the world dies out. I wasn't sure what I was expecting at the end, I didn't think WICKED would succeed, but I found it humouring as the small amount of pages I had left was supposed to wrap it all up. I wish it was acknowledged that Newt and Sonya were brother and sister, which was revealed in the Fever Code, or were together before Newt died. I still didn't like Brenda, but I am glad to announce that Thomas was slightly less whining in this book, but he still holds the title of the title of 'Most Annoying Protagonist Ever' With literally 2 pages to go, Teresa was killed, thanks to Thomas the idiot. Was that necessary, you couldn't keep her alive. However, I'm glad that Thomas and Theresa reconciled. (hide spoiler)] To sign off, remember, even though they do everything absolutely possible to disprove this WICKED is good

3.5 ⭐️

This is a good book. This might be the fastest I have ever read a book. Although it seemed like Dashner didn't know where to go with the story at some parts, adding weird or unneeded details or chapters, I did enjoy the book a lot. I was glad to see a sort of plot twist and an unexpected epilogue. It just felt like when I finished, the book had left something out. All this being said, I am immediately moving on to "The Kill Order" so if you are wondering if you should read this book/ series the answer is YES, even though this might be my least favorite book so far in the series, I will read it again someday.

The novel opens by showing Thomas, who is stuck in a padded room and consumed with anger. Not only is he disgusted with WICKED, but he also cannot reconcile the betrayal he feels Teresa has committed back in the Scorch. He can no longer speak to either her or Aris telepathically. Each day, he watches the door, waiting and willing for it to open. On the 26th day, the door opens. I found that this book was a decent conclusion to this trilogy. I wouldn’t have enjoyed this story as much if I had read it at an older age, and this book is written for a younger audience. I found the character arcs to be wrapped up nicely and I think that the twisty ending fits well with the world that has been established in previous books.

It was good at wrapping the trilogy up but not my favorite of all the books.

Enjoyed this the most of the three.

Okay. Hear me out on this one: I was not going to read this book. I did not enjoy the second book at all and I figured I was done with the series. But, apparently... silly me bought The Death Cure ages ago. I ended up finding the book on my shelves and figured I might as well get my money's worth out of it. I also decided to watch the film (finally...) so it only made sense to read it. Of course, I did not enjoy it. Is it a bad book? Nope! Is it a good book for me? Nah. I felt like this book was almost filler and random. The Maze Runner had a good start, The Scorch Trials kind of wandered off away from the trail and then The Death Cure just kind of happened? It's here, but feels like it doesn't belong plot wise. My biggest problem is I don't get the why. Why is this all happening? What's the point? The ending also just left me feeling kinda 'bleh' about it because I just don't get it. The thing is, I like the main characters. The boys are all intriguing and have interesting dynamics. That's what I really enjoyed about this series to begin with. The story was never a strong point for me. I'm kind of disappointed because James Dashner is a good writer and my friends love this series, but it's just not for me. And yes, it took me months and months and months because I kept putting it down. I was totally frustrated with this book. One out of five stars.


This series is epic and the final book is definitely the most shocking and action packed! Thomas must make a choice that will change the world forever.

what the fuck

I do like how this series ends. Much better then having everyone better and without the Flare. but I wish that he had went through with getting his memories back. so frustrating.

It was going so well, so mindblowing and so smart and well plotted... James Dashner is obviously a far better writer than I am, but now I just feel like I could have finished this story way better. C'mon! So many questions without an answer, and some them vital! And... I mean, really? After all the mistery and all the witty plottwists, is this really how it ends? (I'm doing my best not to spoil anything). 3 stars because of the whole series. I'm still mad. And I hate Brenda.

Although this book always makes me cry Its the perfect end. I'm speechless.

28/04/21 The Death Cure the maze runner #3 4.6/5

*4.5* I loved it like the other books but I did wish the ending gave much more of an impact. In conclusion I love The Maze Runner series and I would recommend it to anyone that likes a fast paced dystopian read.

Thomas remains one of the most annoying, most boring, most self-righteous YA main characters I have ever read. And this ending book was a straight Disappointment. Dashner looked at the plot and said, "Fuck it," and threw in a bunch of nonsense, misogyny, and gratuitous violence. Pathetic.

left me crying without tears..but I was surprised this book didn't explain the background story of the "maze" purposes.

Probably one of My favorite triologies!

2/5 Rating.

An excellently written finale for an amazing trilogy. A rollercoaster of sadness, worry, friendship, anxiety and most importantly love.

The writing was good but I hated the way this ended. The epilogue had to be my favorite part of this book, but overall it wasn't my favorite.

“We risked our necks to come to this place and you're our friend and we're taking you home. You wanna whine and cry while you go crazy, that's fine. But you're gonna do it with us, not with these shuck Cranks."

Please,tommy please