The Deportees and Other Stories

The Deportees and Other Stories

Roddy Doyle2007
Eight short stories examining the immigrant experience in Ireland.
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Photo of Sophie Shrimpton
Sophie Shrimpton@sinta
3 stars
Aug 25, 2021

Simple and funny stories about immigrants in Ireland. An insight into what it means to be "Irish". Not mind-blowing, but pleasant and easy to read. It reminded me to not be so serious about trying to experience the "culture" of a country when I am in it - there is no one essence, there is no "Kiwi" beyond everyone who is currently existing in Aotearoa. The use of Live-Aid at one point to tease a kid was an insightful critique. Quotes: "He liked a lot of what he heard these days but nothing that he really wanted to wade into and drown in." Same Jimmy, same.

Photo of Martin Samuelsson
Martin Samuelsson@martinsa
4 stars
Feb 8, 2022