The Dream-Hunter

So many things happened in this book that play on in future storylines. Arik and Geary have a good story and I love the play on mythologies in this story. A good book, I thoroughly enjoyed.

Summary Arik, is a Dream Hunter, and as one he is cursed to never feel emotion but then he enters into Megeara dreams….a dream where she is bathing in a waterfall of chocolate. Ever since he is captivated by Megeara, a human woman who for some reason can resist his call to enter the dream world when she doesn’t choose to. When he is ordered to stop entering her dreams, he goes to the god Hades and makes a deal with him, that in order to be human for a few weeks, he will have to give Hades Megeara’s soul or give up his own. So Arik agrees, all he knows is he needs her and will do anything to have her. Megeara is searching for the city of Atlantis, and most of her life she never believed in the search, and it cost almost every member of her family’s life, but then she made a promise to her father on his deathbed to not give up and redeem their family name, no matter the cost to herself. But when her dream man comes ashore naked from the ocean, she is suspicious and she knows he is keeping secrets, but she can’t deny the attraction she feels for him. But soon she will be drawn into a dangerous world, a world that could cause her death for getting too close to the infamous city of Atlantis. The Hero Arik, is part of the many dream hunters. Arik, along with many of his other brethren, are cursed to never feel emotion. Because centuries previous, one of their kind, decided to play a game on Zeus and they all pay for it now. Arik is a man who has never felt emotion except when he enters the dream world with Megeara, and he knew that the moment he made that deal with Hades, that he had made a mistake. Arik doesn’t know what he will do when his time is up, and he realizes that he will have to give up his own life for her, because Megeara is everything good and pure in the world, and when he realizes that he loves her…he will do everything in his power to protect her. The Heroine Megeara, hated her childhood, she never was able to enjoy it, because her family was obsessed with finding “atlantis”. She lost just about her family member, and now she only has one cousin left alive. But she made a promise to her father, and as she found certain artifacts of his, she starts to realize that Atlantis is real, and she must find it if only to redeem her family’s name, so that they didn’t die for nothing. Megeara is intelligent and passionate, and has certain gifts that are more than the average human. What was most enjoyable about Megeara is how she stands up to Arik, a god of dreams, and she has such a zest for what she believes in and I loved seeing her character develop through the story. Plot and Story Line Dream Hunter is the first book in the Dream Hunter series. My local state has an audio book library, and I found this treasure available, and since I have yet to read the series, I thought that I needed to give it a try. This book was a riot of fun, passion and some Greek adventure. This series is connected to the Dark Hunter series, and we see in this book and other books in the series, connection to characters to the Dark Hunter series. Dream Hunter is a story that just won my heart over from the beginning, And the narrator, is one that from what I have seen has done most of the books in these connecting series, and he is fantastic. It is rare for me to love a male narrator, since I have mostly listened to female narrators, but he is one of the best I have ever listened to. I loved the way this story develops, and it has some twists that are unexpected, and boy was I surprised over a few things, and what became most endearing was seeing how these two fight for a future together. Dream Hunter is a story that won me over, with these charming characters, a story line that is packed with adventure, greek gods, and a romance that is bound to captivate you. What was most provocative about this story was seeing the way these two come to fight for one another. Arik, who at first is conceited and arrogant, but when he learns the error of his ways is willing to give up his own soul for the woman he loves. Then we have Megeara, when she learns the complete truth about Arik, she goes to drastic lengths to bring him back to her, even if that means facing Hades herself, loved the courage and tenacity and the will to be together. The supporting characters are quite fun and added a certain flair to the story that gave the story the humorous edge it needed. The Cover I really like this cover, and it connects with the story, and boy can I say that man is HOT and sexy!! Those eyes….I would have him in a heartbeat, and the hair….he is one delicious package. Overall View Dream Hunter is a story to grab at you and will refuse to let go….its a action packed story that is bound to have you on edge in anticipation of what is to come, a book to captivate and charm every reader!! A MUST Read for fans of the Dark Hunters Series, or who love a romance that is sensual and emotionally provoking.

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