The Elegant Universe
The Elegant Universe: Superstrings, Hidden Dimensions, and the Quest for the Ultimate Theory is a book by Brian Greene published in 1999, which introduces string and superstring theory, and provides a comprehensive though non-technical assessment of the theory and some of its shortcomings.
Sarah Sammis@pussreboots
Tyler Gibbs@tylerswe
Coleman McCormick@coleman
Stewart Scott@stewart
Safiya @safiya-epub
Mariel Adrianna de la Garza@marieldelagarza
Jade Flynn@jadeflynn
Frrrf gygg@ddff
Giandomenico Macaluso@giandomaca
Kali Knowles@kalisaurus
The Rabid Geek@therabidg33k
Garrett Kuss@n1ttygr1tty
Damon Jablons @damo
Matthew Royal@masyukun
Mike Engel@vegemike
Sang Park@spk
Sang Park@sparky
Caitlin Bohannon@waitingforoctober
Azalea Wolong @azaleawaffle
Amr Khater @khater
Amelia Lin@amelialin