
** spoiler alert ** So the end is here; I managed to finish the final installment of The Secrets Of The Immortal Nicholas Flamel in about three days and I can say that I’m thoroughly disappointed with this book. Just on a side note it doesn’t really help that I read two books back-to back that turned out to be disappointing. I will say this, I don’t like writing negative reviews. I feel bad writing them, when everyone else seems to love this series, however I guess this one just wasn’t for me and it does upset me that I have to write a negative review for the last installment in a series. I appreciate Michael Scott’s knowledge of history and mythology. It is evident in all of the books in the series, however his writing is questionable. As you know I was not happy with the previous book The Warlock because it felt like information overload and unfortunately it is the same in this book. I felt as if the story was all over the place. The plot itself was fast paced and I think that let the story down on a huge scale. It felt like Scott was trying to incorporate so many things into this book that it ended up being one huge puzzle that was unsolvable. There were moments that were touching between Sophie and Josh and I enjoyed them, but I wanted to know more. I wanted to know why the change happened because I didn’t think it was explained very well and I was puzzled about the entire plot. I personally didn’t think the whole time travel aspect was done very well. Also the letters written by Abraham the Mage were quite unoriginal. It was basically the same message, addressed to a different person each time. More than answers, the book asked more questions which makes me wonder if there will be a spin-off series. As for the characters, there were too many to keep track of and I think that is another problem with the book because you don’t become emotionally invested in the characters. Because of such a large number of characters there was very little character development which was problematic. Personally I consider Abraham The Mage to be an important character, but we learned next to nothing about him except that he was changing into solid gold. I didn’t appreciate that Sophie’s character was shafted aside for Josh either. As much as I like Josh, I felt Sophie deserved an equally good sending off. The whole series was about the two of them, not just one twin and I was disappointed that Sophie didn’t have much to do in this book. The characters were constructed in such a hollow way that I didn’t care for them. I wasn’t emotionally invested in the story in comparison to how I was with the first four books of the series. As a reader, it’s disheartening to see characters that you loved becoming flat and boring. My last point is, in the end who was The Enchantress? Was there even an enchantress? If you read the book and figured it out I’d like to know who it was! Overall, The Enchantress was an ‘okay’ read. It was disappointing, but at least it’s over now. I think Scott could have done a better job with the book and that’s just my personal opinion. I don’t think I’m going to pick up any of this other works. I will always give credit to his vast knowledge, but his writing is not for me. My Rating: 2/5 Would I recommend it? If you want to know the end of the series then yes.

Amazing ending to such an amazing series. Scott has a thing for dramatic endings.

Full review coming soon. But that was such an excellent end to the series! I'm so sad that was the end, though! I could use a few more books!!!!!

** spoiler alert ** Stories focusing around time travel and different time periods are always in dangerous territory. They either conquer their foes and become amazing or fall and become terrible. Sadly Scott did not deliver and the story failed very hard. The characters were very interesting and the mystery was very intruiging, but the whole time travel loop as the foundation of the story does not work and is very disappointing. I really enjoyed the first three books, but after these the story went down hill.

When I first started reading this series many years ago, I found it fascinating. I loved how Scott wove in just about every myth imaginable and combined that with actual historical characters while indulging in a little artistic license. However, Scott dragged the series out far too long. (I will also admit that almost five years has passed since I read book #5 in the series.) This pushed the narrative past the suspension of disbelief. Everything felt a little too dire and at the same time reeked of deus ex machina. Everything worked out a little too well. Plus, that reveal at the end? It held zero satisfaction. Finally, the title of the book is "The Enchantress." Scott never once in the narrative mentions an enchantress. Perenelle is the Sorceress. It's not her. Is that supposed to be Sophie? If so, she gets terrible short shrift in a book with her title on the cover. Is it Aunt Agnes? (I make zero attempt to spell her "real" name.) I do not recommend this book as it is a completely unsatisfying conclusion to a series which held so much promise.
