The Etymologicon A Circular Stroll through the Hidden Connections of the English Language

Also super short. Lovely.

Not very rigorously researched, but quite entertaining. Recommended for anyone interested in the origins of common words and phrases.

This is a fantastic read and probably the most interesting book I have read so far this year. I love words and their hidden meanings so this book was a great find. I enjoyed Mark Forsyth’s writing a lot. At first it all seems a bit chaotic (with the origin of one word kind of slipping to the next) but I got used to it and ended up liking it a lot. Forsyth is an amusing writer and doesn’t take himself seriously, which is refreshing for this kind of book. It is entertaining, funny and educational and the type of book you can’t help reading excerpts from to anyone within earshot. I would love to quote snippets from The Etymologicon right here but I’m afraid Goodreads doesn’t allow that many characters in a review. A must-read for anyone who loves words.

'A Circular Stroll through the Hidden Connections of the English Language'. - (it does exactly what it says) SO GOOD! Without a doubt I'll be picking up Forsyth's 'The Horologicon' sometime later on in the year!