
While reading this I was constantly thinking about what rating I will give it on goodreads. It started with four, went to three, and I even thought of giving it five stars because of the ending. The ending. OH MY GOD, THE ENDING. Not all of it, but THE ENDING. AAAAAAAAAAAAH I was just left with my jaw on the ground, staring into a wall and just thinking how blind I was for something that obvious. Nancy Holder impressed me with this one. Really. Was I really so blind? I honestly hope that I wasn't the only one who thought (view spoiler)[ Celia was just a nice girl who was being bullied? (hide spoiler)] I was so interested in the story behind Miles and Mandy. And I am so eager now to finish the third part and get all of my answers. The problem I had with this book was the whole Lindsay and Troye thing. He really annoyed me a lot for the game he played with the two girls (even though Holder in the end makes him look like a really nice dude). But I just coulnd't forgive him that. Also Lindsay really used every opportunity to mention how rich he was or how he looked like a wealthy boy. But the part I didn't get was the...surprise? he made for her. (view spoiler)[ Lobotomy (hide spoiler)]...okay. Whatever. I don't mind. I got my crazy part. I'm fine.