The Flash Vol. 1 (Rebirth)

I liked it. Good stuff. An intro on what to come while covering stuff from DCU Rebirth. Run Barry, run!!!!

*3.5 stars*

wally's story is beginning!

hands down the best issue so far in this rebirth era

okay but the scene with wally and iris at the end was gold.

wally continues to be a fave

see i called the reveal of godspeed but like after the first 3 issues, i thought maybe not

godspeed is here!

Blog | Twitter | Instagram | A copy of this novel was provided through NetGalley by the publisher in exchange for an honest review. This does not effect my opinions in any way. When I first saw the descriptions on these rebirth issues of the DC universe I was both a bit skeptical and a little hopeful. Taking on iconic characters, keeping what makes them beloved and maybe a little timeless, and then turning them into something new and refreshed is difficult. It's not an easy task and can often translate poorly. The last thing that you want is to ring a series dry and not do it justice, but this take on The Flash is true to tone and spices up a tried formula in ways that will impress old readers and draw in some new fans. The bad news is that, despite the good in it, it's not going to be for everyone and it certainly isn't my favourite comic to date. It has a lot of slow moments and a whole lot of repetitive things to it that will put a lot of us off but if you stick it out, it does have its more genuine moments. If you don't like The Flash--if his brand of superhero and story lines aren't your cup of tea, then don't pick it up. You won't like it if you already dislike the vast catalogue of stories that have been around for decades. Simple as that. Continued: BOOKEDJ

A copy of this novel was provided through Edelweiss by the publisher in exchange for an honest review. This does not effect my opinions in any way. I think now is the time for me to admit defeat when it comes to my dislike of (or rather, boredom towards) the DC Universe Rebirth comics. At this point, it's become so tedious and boring to read the latest issues, I'm not sure why I'm shocked when an issue (or in this case, collection) just isn't my cup of tea. In all the good, there has been far more strikes against this run. The Flash: Speed of Darkness takes on an incredibly lackluster path and even its magnificent artwork cannot save it. While its predecessor had its flaws it still remained full of that spark meant to keep readers attentive; this one didn't. It had an even more difficult time keeping its footing--it was, to put it bluntly, dull. I'm not talking "oh, it's fine--I'll push through it" levels of dull. We're talking "I put this down seven or eight times since I began reading it and still can't get past it" levels of "I'm lucky I even finished it" dull. Continued: BOOKEDJ