
To be honest I have never read any flash story before this one. So, I am going into this comic with a fresh and open mind. Some fans might compare but I don't have that luxury. I actually enjoyed this book A LOT. The art was one of the best I've ever seen. I love the art style used, especially when going back and forth between flashbacks and present day. The story and the characters were good as well. Each was given a purpose and also clear motifs that you can follow. Hopefully the rest of the series follows suit with the first volume.

3.5/5 Dang, what happened between the first volume and this one? The first volume was so focused and had one good main plotline. This volume was just a mess, it was trying to do so many things at once and it didn't work. I wish the comic just focused one plotline, the rogues or King Groot. Anyway, I will continue reading because the character interests me, and also the art is incredible.


The Rogues need a timeout

This story is not one that is easily collected in trade form. 5 issues (the Mob Rule arc) is too short for a trade, but expanding it to 8 issues made for a somewhat confusing cliffhanger. The art is gorgeous and Barry Allen's character is spot on, however, so I have high hopes for this series.

Pretty good volume. Grodd is as charming as ever, but Manapul’s art is gorgeous and saves the day.