The Godfather

I’ve become a fan of reading challenges over the past few years. It started with the Pop Sugar reading challenge, and since then I have continued to add more every year. I’m up to five reading challenges this year, but there are two that I enjoy more than others. I LOVE the Pop Sugar challenge, and I have come to thoroughly enjoy the 52-Book Club challenge. I even went and purchased the 52-Book Club 2024 Reading Challenge Book Journal this year. The 52-Book Club challenge is fun because throughout the year, they add mini-challenges. One of those little add-on challenges was a Read-It/Watch-It challenge that prompted participants to read a book that featured a wedding, then watch a non-print version of the same story. For that challenge, I picked this classic. While it doesn’t include a wedding per se, it does include a wedding reception, and that was close enough for me. (The most popular selection for this challenge was The Princess Bride, which is always a good choice)
My husband has been up my nose about watching this movie since we started dating, and while I’m not entirely sure how I managed to avoid it for nine years, I finally gave in under the pretense of having to read the book first (ya’ll readers know what I’m talking about). I wasn’t excited, I never thought I would enjoy either version of this story, which is why I have managed to avoid it my entire life, but I checked it out from the library and dug it when it was up in my queue. This quickly turned into the second “classic” I’ve read recently that I absolutely loved.
I don’t feel like it’s necessary to rehash the major plot points here, the book AND the movie are over half a century old, it’s a very well-known story. It became the prime example of an Italian mafia story, with its predecessors paling in comparison simply because any that came after were facsimiles. Mario Puzo masterfully sets up a dynasty of crime with a family that is hard to dislike. The original Godfather was a man who demanded loyalty and was fiercely loved by many. I was even slightly sad when he (spoiler alert) died. While there are many facets of this story that are painfully predictable, it was beautifully crafted and kept me furiously interested in what was going to happen next.
I was shocked at how much I enjoyed this book, and even more surprised that I enjoyed the movie as well (though a large portion of the story was omitted from the latter). I am half tempted to continue reading (and thus watching) the entire series. My husband swears the second movie is even better than the first, and I’m curious if the second book is also better. Don’t tell my husband, but I’m even looking forward to experiencing both…but just a little bit.

francis ford coppola you are a god for creating such a masterpiece out of such terrible source material

If you’ve seen the movie then you know exactly what the book is about. So many times the books are better than the movies, aside from a few more character details this was exactly as the movie. Personally it was a slow read for me (took me 2 months and used it to get me to sleep). It did pick up closer to the end of the book. Typical Italian mob book with Italian family traditions, gangster activities, “family” competition, mob hits, etc. Follow the Corleone Family through generations of Mob Family activity that leads them to be the number one mob family in the U.S. **Warning: it does have adult content, language, violence, pediophilia, etc

Besides all the boring and shitty parts this was great

A great and masterfully structured novel. I was hooked since the beginning. The twists and turns were just enough to fulfill my desire. The best book of March.


They should turn this into a movie


Mario Puzo is a master and this book is a masterpiece.😊 "The lawyer with the briefcase can steal more money than the man with the gun." "Behinde every successful fortune; there is a crime." "There are things that have to be done and you do them and you never talk about them. You don't try to justify them. They can't be justified. You just do them. Then you forget it." Its Amazing the way he plot a scene and tells a story. Sometimes you feel like you too are in the story and is inspecting everything by yourself. Loved it.👍

Still a classic. Read it second time after decades. Loved it as a an easy read, thriller.

A good book. I first read The Godfather when I was fifteen, NOT ideal reading matter for a teenager. Reading it now, twenty+ years later, I realize just how good the movies based on the book were. The book is good, but simply that - good. The movies are classic in their execution and story-telling. I have to say, as a person of colour I feel a great deal of ambivalence if not antipathy towards many of these characters as they express deep seated racism towards "coloured" folk. But put that aside and it is a rollicking good story about the evolution of a family.

If you’ve seen the movie then you know exactly what the book is about. So many times the books are better than the movies, aside from a few more character details this was exactly as the movie. Personally it was a slow read for me (took me 2 months and used it to get me to sleep). It did pick up closer to the end of the book. Typical Italian mob book with Italian family traditions, gangster activities, “family” competition, mob hits, etc. Follow the Corleone Family through generations of Mob Family activity that leads them to be the number one mob family in the U.S. **Warning: it does have adult content, language, violence, pediophilia, etc

3.5 rounded off A book I should've read long time ago but I was put off because it was "old" or a "classic". I liked it but I also had issues with it. The mob parts of the books are amazing and the good parts are unforgettable. But the bad parts are unforgettable too. Casual racism and sexism, too many subplots that feel unnecessary, women basically being reduced to brainless objects are very hard to ignore especially at a time where people are trying to be better. Yes, it's old but we still shouldn't romanticise these ideas in any way. But what I did enjoy were the characters of the Don, Tom Hagen, Mike, Sonny. You can feel the power and savagery in come off the pages. The rich details Puzo provides makes us build up a universe where every scene is vivid and every character real. This book should be read cause it's a legend.

a dirtier, pulpier early draft of the cinematic classic we all know & love.

This book is obviously great, so well written and gripping. This is the unabridged version. Unsurprisingly it's one of those books where u have to ignore violent misogyny to enjoy it lol. It gets a little exhausting but it's still good. My favourite part was the last page from Kay's POV.

The film is one of my favourites and the novel does not disappoint. The timeline is easy to follow and there are expansions of scenes that were briefly seen on screen. I was amazed at how closely the films dialogue reflects the novels writing. If you’re a fan of the film, you need to read the book.

Muero porque llegue el día en que pueda usar la frase "Le haré una oferta que no podrá rechazar" en la vida real.

Wspaniała powieść w której wszystko się ze sobą zazębia a antywartości są wartościami.


2017 PopSugar reading challenge #31 A book where the main character is a different ethnicity than you Tenía cierto temor de que el haber visto la película me arruinara un poco la experiencia de leer el libro. Bien, en un principio lo hizo un poco, y por eso lo dejé en pausa, para dejar correr un poco más de tiempo, y finalmente logré disfrutarlo como era debido. Este tema a mí me emociona un poco demasiado y no sé por qué, pero la cosa es que el que esté tan bien trazado me hace pensar que no existe libro que iguale o supere a Puzo en este aspecto. Los personajes son tan crudos a la vez tan reales que como sea es inevitable la familiaridad del lector para con ellos. Es una narración bastante simple, pero exacta para abordar este tema tan complejo que representa la mafia. Se convirtió en uno de mis libros favoritos desde que lo empecé a leer, no hay duda. Y la película es de las mejores que he visto en mi vida.


He had been protoundly shocked. What kind of man could destroy an animal worth six hundred thousand dollars? Without a word of warning. Without any negotiation to have the act, its order, countermanded. The ruthlessness, the sheer disregard for any values, implied a man who considered himself completely his own law, even his own God.

He had long learned that society imposes insults that must be borne, comforted by the knowledge that in this world there comes a time when the most humble of men, if he keeps his eyes open, can take his revenge on the most powerful.