The Guide
Formerly India's most corrupt tourist guide, Raju-just released from prison- seeks refuge in an abandoned temple. Mistaken for a holy man, he plays the part and succeeds so well that God himself intervenes to put Raju's newfound sanctity to the test. Narayan's most celebrated novel, The Guide won him the National Prize of the Indian Literary Academy, his country's highest literary honor.
Arianna M@letterarii
Christian Otte@otte4prez
Ajit Panigrahi@ajitzero
Deepika Ramesh@theboookdog
Anirudh r@anirudh153
Joshua Line@fictionjunky
Mehul Srivastava@mehulmehul
Arjo Gupto@arjo
Gayathri Jinesh@mycauldronisleaky
Madhuri Sridhara@madhurireads
cenk karagören@cenkk
Akanksha Chattopadhyay@akanksha_chattopadhyay
Pallavi Tirkey@waywardmoped