
Very imaginative

Charming, but not twee, The Halloween Tree displays the usual Bradbury magic while including a child-appropriate amount of anxious gloom.

This was a pretty quick read. It is short, fun, and perfect for reading around Halloween or within the month of October. The illustrations in this edition really added to the story for me. The illustrations were great! This story was very atmospheric and was a delight to read. The writing was great; it was unique without being complex. I would recommend reading it during October for sure.

I really liked this cover, and of course it’s considered a Halloween classic, so I felt like I had to read it. If this is a favorite of yours, I’m glad you enjoy it, this is my opinion and it isn’t meant to battle or diminish yours! Honestly, I’m not sure if it’s me, or my mindset when I picked this up, but with this being a classic Halloween story I really expected something else. This kind of boils down to a group of children getting a haunted history lesson all while their best friend might actually die at the outcome? And then with the ending?! I’ll keep it spoiler free, but I could see this easily in adult horror, but for kids??? Even with this being for children I kind of felt myself lost and confused for a vast majority of this book. The closer and closer it got to the end, the less and less I wanted to keep reading honestly. That doesn’t happen to me often. Personally a 2/5*, just wasn’t for me.

too much action for me. cute tho

IDK what the hell was happening most of the time. Too whimsical

Prefer the movie but still pretty good.

** spoiler alert ** It's just not for me. I read one third and then started getting bored so I moved on to the audiobook. I liked it even less then. It's something I would give a little child to introduce them to the concept of Halloween or maybe to help them boost up their English or something. But I can't find any pleasure in reading it myself. The thing is, I usually enjoy this kind of story myself but I just don't see me finishing this one, unfortunately. It just started annoying me towards the end and I couldn't bear read or listen to more word of it. It felt as if it was nonesense, and not in a good way xD PS. I dropped it when Pipkin started saying something along the lines of "meet me in the air" I was like that's it, I'm not tolerating more of this. I don't like it. Drop.

Full review now posted! This was such a perfect little book to help foster the Halloween spirit. Ray Bradbury is a master of atmosphere. One of the most atmospheric Halloween books I’ve ever read is Something Wicked This Way Comes, and this tiny book spins just a compelling a spell. Bradbury just had an amazing grasp on what makes Halloween special. It’s a little dated, but in my opinion that just upped the nostalgia factor. A group of boys is taken on a journey through time and space to understand the inspirations behind their favorite holiday. The history of Halloween has never been more fun than it is here, as presented by Mr. Moundshroud. Centuries are jumped through, continents are explored, and the ways different peoples honor their dead are revealed to these boy who’ve never seen any significance in Halloween beyond the fun of the costumes and trick-or-treating. As each boy learns the significance of their chosen costume, the essence of Halloween becomes more clear to them. However, learning about Halloween isn’t the only purpose behind the boys’ unusual adventure. Their leader, Pipkin, has been kidnapped and taken through history, leading the boys on a wild Pipkin chase. But even as they search for their friend, the other boys begin to grasp that something is very wrong with Pipkin in the real world, and that this supernatural journey with Mr. Moundshroud might be their only hope of saving him. There were things about The Halloween Tree that reminded me of other books I’ve loved, like The Graveyard book and A Monster Calls. It was sweet and funny and sad, and it basked in a children’s love of the spooky and being scared just a little. This would be such a fun book to read to an upper elementary or middle school class during the month of October, or even just to your own child to get them in the Halloween spirit while maybe teaching them just a little bit at the same time. It was just exactly right, spooky and fun and educational without feeling like a lesson. For more of my reviews, as well as my own fiction and thoughts on life, check out my blog, Celestial Musings.

This was fast. And different but I did quite enjoy it, it was a fun quick read.

El árbol de las brujas es un libro para niños, entretenido y muy cortito, que se lee en dos ratos (incluso en uno). El libro habla de Halloween, de su origen según diferentes culturas. La trama está protagonizada por unos niños, muy adorables y aventureros que, con la compañía de un señor llamado Mortajosaurio, emprenden un viaje por el tiempo para salvar a su amigo Pipkin. A mí me ha faltado algo, me esperaba explicaciones más elaboradas sobre el inicio de Halloween y me he encontrado con un paseo por la superficie. Lo que cuenta Ray Bradbury son cosas que ya conocía y quizás por eso no me ha gustado tanto. Sin embargo, me quedo con el mensaje sobre la amistad incondicional que hay entre las líneas de esta historia. Aprobado queda con un 2'5 sobre 5.

Oh so very American

3.5 A truly nice tale about different Halloween customs through time and countries. Also am amazing parable of friendship and sacrifice. A bit too childish for me, but truly loveable!

3.5 stars. Great Halloween reading! I have to admit that his writing is kind of hard for me to understand. Hence, I feel like I miss some things. I also wish the story is written deeper and longer, because I want to know more about it. Everything happened rather quick, and no time for me to enjoy the events. I hope that make sense 🙈 I may give this book another try next year :)