The Hating Game A Novel

omg shes so tiny he's so large for 500 pages

…😀 what the hell was this? 😀

The most boring book ever wtf. The best friend was totally put in the book as an afterthought and was so unecessary. Had so much POTENTIAL.

why did I tear up like 3 times? this was so cute.

objectively i wouldn't have given this book 5 stars but joshlucy are saving my mental health (reread)

the building up of these two dorks to the last two chapters will not disappoint you! author you are sick for not writing a chapter on how they both go to lucy's family farm!

Não digo que foi o melhor livro que li até agora, mas foi um livro muito engraçado! Foi mais adulto, talvez foi por isso que gostei mais. As personagens foram interessantes e dinâmicas, a maneira como interagiam um com o outro era engraçada e fofinha ao mesmo tempo. Achei que, no geral, a história e o desenrolar foi bastante perfeito, nem muito longo nem muito curto! Teve aquele romance e erotismo certo nos lugares certos. Gostei bastante! Acho que quem gosta dos livros no estilo odeio-te/amo-te, devia ler este livro!

I dnf-ed this book at page 300 and smth and I feel so free.

I have never had to DNF a book. I came so close to doing it with this one

I bought this to read on my kindle last night as a palate cleanser after finishing the Scythe series. I needed something fun and easy to hold my attention for the next couple days. I was up reading to 4:00 IN THE MORNING. I am OBSESSED. This may be my favorite romance novel of all time. I haven’t been sucked into a romance so completely in what feels like ages. This was THE BEST. I am IN LOVE. I am immediately purchasing a physical copy of this book so I can read it whenever I’m sad or happy or just simply existing. I feel like I’m glowing. I feel like I’M the one that fell in love. This was PERFECT. It was...everything. I feel like I’m floating?! Am I ok? God, what a great book.

Everything about this. Enemies to lovers. Set the bar high.

i think it is very lovely, if you’re looking for the 90s romcom vibes, i think this one is veeeerrry perrfect! i enjoy reading it but it gets kind of slow pace hence i got a lilll bit bored but i like it!

I FINISHED THIS IN ONE DAY WHAT THE ACTUAL HECK I could not stop smiling. THE BANTER. The banter was everything. Lucy very much teetered on the edge of being annoying, but she never was, which what made her character so great. Josh was a perfect soft tall boy. And though I do wish they concentrated more on Lucy's love for his personality, they are still a great pair.

The Hating Game: 2/5 “The trick is to find that one person who can give it back as good as they can take it.” Premise: Lucy Hutton and Josh Templeman are arch-enemies. They sit across from each other at work, and their day-to-day contact consists of games to piss each other off, competition, and pranks. The stakes increase to new levels when they're up against each other for the same promotion. As the tension skyrockets, their view of each other starts to change as well. Writing & Plot: The first half of this book is phenomenal! I loved the "I love to hate you" trope and the jealousy that radiated off of Lucy and Josh, even though they're enemies. It shows their internal conflict, but as the book progressed, there wasn't much development between their hate relationship and their more romantic relationship. If this were more of a slow-burn, it would have been easily five stars, but it went from hating each other on one page to loving each other the next. I wish their banter went on for more than.. two chapters? This got a bit confusing and just overall was weird. It finally ends with a highly sexual relationship that the plot did not introduce during the book's first half. I don't know; all the begging and groveling didn't seem totally in line with their previous characteristics. Overall, the obsession between Lucy and Josh was just not okay and seemed extremely unhealthy. Also, the R-word is used once... Eeek... Characters: I think Josh was the most consistent and complex. He had reasons to back up his behavior, and I enjoyed learning more about him as the story progressed. On the other hand, though, I feel like Lucy just catered herself to Josh, and it was told from the perspective of the male gaze, even though it's Lucy's POV. Lucy was also a wild card for me. Like I mentioned above, I felt like one second she hates Josh, and the next she's suddenly in love and begging him for sex. It just felt WEIRD. Kind of like two different romance novels getting smashed together. Also, Lucy... honey.... you gotta stop with the smelling. PLS, it's CREEPY. “When you get so little of someone, you take what you can get.” Conclusion: First half: ok.... Second half: ..no.... I wish I liked this more. Truly. Overall the vibes were off, I wish there were more "mean" banter, and I wanted more hate. I think the book overall would have made more sense from Josh's perspective since it is told from the male gaze, and Lucy was all over the place and.. messy. I'll still be reading more of Sally Thorne, though.

The build up is really slow, and the plot is rushed. It's not promising but I still enjoyed it tho.

I love you, Lucy Hutton. So much you have no idea. Please be my bestfriend. HOLY SHIT! The Hating Game is one of those journey. Actually, I've read this book a while ago, but I haven't reach the end so I thought I have to finish it. And no regrets. One of the best office romance I have ever read. Josh and Lucy bickering all day long... one of my favorite thing about this book. And Josh and Lucy being vulnerable and opened up to each other.... please just break my heart it would hurt less. Solid 4 stars!

☆ // (DNF) super agressive male, borderline stalker, and I can't stand forced kisses, especially when someone's trapped in an enclosed space like an elevator (even if she kissed him back). blergh.

no começo é blé e depois é terrivelmente ruim.

This book has been on my list for a very long time and honestly, I’m a bit disappointed because I feel like this book was so hyped about and it really didn’t do much for me. I feel like it went from 0 to 100 real quick and then it suddenly went back to 0. It felt like every chapter the characters were either friends or hated one another. I wasn’t a fan of the whole back and forth. I thought about quitting this book so many times, but ultimately was curious enough to finish it.

overrated 👍 i didn’t even read the book lmao but everyone’s been saying that the movie is the exact same thing as the book and i didn’t really love the movie so 2 stars

makes me want to work at a office

"Watching you pretend to hate that nickname is the best part of my day."

Books were, and always would be, something a little magic and something to re- spect.

His walls are the blue of my eyes

You never have to explain your choices. Not to me, not to anyone.

"What? No." My stomach folds in half. And in half again. She puts one hand to her hair and smoothes the already perfect style. It’s blond. She's tall, tan and brown eyed. She's Tall Blondie.
holy fucker

“This is the part of the dream where you smile, Josh.”

“I’ve been set to a default for such a long time. Sort of like, I attack before I can be attacked.” ~ Josh

“No one should ever be ignored or made to feel unimportant.” ~ Lucy

“He describes you like a fairytale character. He’s never quite decided on hero or villain.” ~ Elaine

“Books were, and always would be, something a little magic and something to respect.” ~ Lucy

Love and hate are visceral. Your stomach twists at the thought of that person. The heart in your chest beats heavy and bright, nearly visible through your lesh and clothes. Your appetite and sleep are shredded. Every interaction spikes your blood with a dangerous kind of adrenaline, and you're on the brink of fight or flight. Your body is barely under your control. You're consumed. and it scares you.” ~ Lucy

“Hating someone feels disturbingly similar to being in love with them.” ~ Lucy

“Yes, Dr. Templeman? Care to share?" My audacity is breathtaking.

I call the GPS woman the worst names I can think of. I beg her to stop. But she doesn't. Like a total bitch, she directs me to Josh's apartment building.

I tug him down to lie on me properly. “I’m pretty heavy. I’ll flatten you.” “I’ve had a good life.”

“Watching you pretend to hate the nickname is the best part of my day.”

I have a theory. Hating someone feels disturbingly similar to being in love with them. I've had a lot of time to compare love and hate, and these are my observations. Love and hate are visceral. Your stomach twists at the thought of that person. The heart in your chest beats heavy and bright, nearly visible through your flesh and clothes. Your appetite and sleep are schredded. Every interaction spikes your blood with adrenaline, and you're in the brink of fight or flight. Your body is barely under your control. You're consumed, and it scares you. Both love and hate are mirror versions of the same game - and you have to win. Why? Your heart and your ego. Trust me, I should know.