The Hot One
Ever notice that sometimes a guy will do something really stupid, like let the love of his life slip through his fingers? Yeah. I'm that guy. But the moment I run into the woman I once loved madly, I've got one goal and one goal only--a second chance. The plan? Go big or go home. Fine, at first glance, stripping naked at my ex-girlfriend's place of work might not seem like the brightest way to win her heart again. But trust me on this count--she always liked me best without any clothes on. And you've got to play to your strengths when you're fighting an uphill battle. As a lawyer, I know how to fight, and I'm prepared to fight hard for her. Because sometimes you need a second chance at first love.

Kimberly Siles Butron @kimsiles

Destiny J Tamayo@ddjjtt
It was a fun and quick read. I am a sucker for these tropes since I binged watched Melissa and Joey.

This was a cute read. It would've probably been a quicker one if I'd had more reading time the last couple of days. Despite the "forbidden" aspect of the romance, it was really low on drama. It definitely had some great sweet moments and a few sexy ones as well. But all in all? It was like and not love for me. It started strong, but fizzled for me towards the end. I think if I'd read it in one sitting, I'd have connected more with the characters, maybe? Not sure. It was a good read though. I'm just afraid when it's all said and done, it's not gonna be one that sticks with me. Review to come.

Audiobook rating: 4 stars


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