The Hydrogen Sonata
The Scavenger species are circling. It is, truly, the End Days for the Gzilt civilization. An ancient people, organized on military principles and yet almost perversely peaceful, the Gzilt helped set up the Culture ten thousand years earlier and were very nearly one of its founding societies, deciding not to join only at the last moment. Now they've made the collective decision to follow the well-trodden path of millions of other civilizations; they are going to Sublime, elevating themselves to a new and almost infinitely more rich and complex existence. Amid preparations though, the Regimental High Command is destroyed. Lieutenant Commander (reserve) Vyr Cossont appears to have been involved, and she is now wanted - dead, not alive. Aided only by an ancient, reconditioned android and a suspicious Culture avatar, Cossont must complete her last mission given to her by the High Command. She must find the oldest person in the Culture, a man over nine thousand years old, who might have some idea what really happened all that time ago. It seems that the final days of the Gzilt civilization are likely to prove its most perilous.

His last utopian statement. Tame by the histrionic standards of space opera and his own usual plot webs – though there are the usual infuriating Machiavellis and convincing dilemmas. Grim implications about immortality, decadence, international relations. Worth reading all of the full Culture books just for the discussions between AIs.

Kyle S@kylesq9
A fitting end to one of the best SciFi universes ever imagined. May Iain M. Banks Sublime in peace.

Carlo Zottmann@czottmann

Nathan Robertson@molspagetti

Shane Segal@smsegal


Hannah Swithinbank@hannahswiv

Greg Copeland@gtco

Bo Gotthardt@lugribossk

Jeff James@unsquare

Kevin Finlayson@kevinfinlayson

Phil Halley@phil_halley

Rik Chilvers@rik


Magnus Hambleton@mangoham

Ian Betteridge@ianbetteridge

Ralf Muhlberger@ralfm


Charles Siboto@charles_s

Cindy Lieberman@chicindy

Peter Tving@tving

Martin Samuelsson@martinsa

Kerri Miller@kerrizor

Cameron Booth@cdb