The Illiad of Homer
This book contains Alexander Pope s seminal interpretation of the original Homeric poem, published serially from 1715 to 1720. Hailed by Samuel Johnson as a performance which no age or nation could hope to equal, this is a classic text that has moulded centuries of British and American culture through its beautiful and timeless poetry. Complete with the inimitable line drawing Flexman, this edition provides a perfect rendering of this fine English verse which captures wonderfully the song of Homer himself a must-read for absolutely everyone. Alexander was an English poet most renowned for his satirical verse and for the writing of this book. He is also the third-most quoted writer in The Oxford Dictionary of Quotations after Shakespeare and Tennyson. This book is proudly republished now with a new introductory biography of the author.

Chelsea Breher@cheezyreads
Listened to it as an audio book, and found it to be a great way to get through cleaning and organizing the house.

Bonnie Beaumont @bonniebeaumont
This book is beautiful. I must admit its very hard to get through and takes awhile but it was worth it. Its unlike anything ive ever read. Its a hard read but at the same time it flows perfectly and it tells me so much about history,the Greeks and the trojans. Its truly fascinating. The characters and they releshonship dynamics are really interesying as well.


Mirin Riddell@murm23

Benjamin Bassett@benwillie