The Iron Flower

3.5 stars

** spoiler alert ** OH MY GOD! where is the next book?! Ladies and Gents, it is official, Laurie Forest is one of my favorite authors! Again, here were are exploring the cruel reality of racism in a fantasy world. The closed minded of many depicted in characters such as Icarals, Lupines, Gardnerians, Kelts and others. I love how each race has set cultures and you can very well connect to the cultures we have in the world today. I had struggles loving Elloren in the beginning of the black witch, because of her closed minded ways… her character development has been phenomenal. Let’s talk about the rollercoaster of emotions I felt while reading this, happy, scared, sad, angry, I sobbed! The way the characters connect is everything and all the plot twists that happen in this book completely made sense in Rebel Mages! I haven’t been able to connect this way with characters in such a long time. Ok so spoiler part! WOAH! I mean I kind of knew Elloren was the black with but it was the Vu Trin to do the bidding! I was not expecting them to protect her from the hands of her aunt. And can I say I hate the bitch? She is so vile and just looking out for herself its insane. This happens you guys! Being married to someone you are not attracted to or worse, do not love! This book has so many situations that we see today, rallying due to murders of innocents, rapist running around free, parts of society blinded by the color of our skin, the language we speak, or the culture we are part of. Wow, I swear this book is absolutely everything. Thank you Laurie, I can’t wait for the next book.

I really enjoyed this. I am so emotional about it. I was sucked into the story and so emotionally invested in the characters.

What a ride! This book was so intense. I really need to read the novellas and third book soon!!

The sequel to the black witch and the book that makes your love for this world continue. I won't leave a very long review for this one because I'll probably spoil it. However, I think this is a wonderful sequel and it's just what the story needed to keep you addicted and wrapped up in this world. I know most sequels are either a hit-or-miss but this one is a flat out home run out of the ballpark sequel.

I could hardly put this book down!

This book was amazing! Ten out of ten would recommend. I never usually cry when reading a book but this book had me in tears towards the end of it. I don’t know how i am going to wait for the next book to come out, but I have never been more excited to read a series.


Learn all you can, Elloren, about everything you can. You will find that, when you're as powerless as we are, it helps to be clever.

Knowledge is never wasted, my dear. No matter how obscure or difficult...or confusing. It always serves to enrich our lives, if we let it, and in ways we can rarely anticipate.

Sometimes pushing the wheels of change into motion is the bulk of the battle.