The Last Graduate

•• Off topic of review but of course I get sick at the start of the year, to the point where even reading hurts, and my around my birthday, otherwise I think I’d have finish this book sooner •• I love El and her struggle with relationships. Tough little cookie. I enjoyed this world of magic and monsters so much. And in good El fashion - I’d punch this ending in it’s dumb little face.

I mean I figured it would end like that but still frustrated. I have two other books I need to read before I start the next one but can I do it? Very much enjoying this series.
I think I enjoyed the first one just a little bit more but this was still great. This is basically just El coming to terms with the fact that she does have a support system and that there is some good in the sea of shitty people around. Lots of interpersonal politics, dark humor, and begrudging love.

Orion Lake .....

i enjoyed this book more than the first one, mostly because i carried a lot of the momentum from the first book plus i sucked up all the cruesome/fabulous details of the beginning of the school year in the first few chapters and that energy (or rather mana) pushed me right to the grand finale and allowed me to gloss over some of the parts in the middle of the story that left me a bit skeptical

Another banger. Tauri thought this kept building nicely

This book was much slower than the first, but it was still really good. And that ending! Blargh! Now I want to fight Naomi Novik! I'm ready for the third book anytime.

** spoiler alert ** I'm absolutely gutted. this book was so good. so much more than I could have ever anticipated. I have so much more to say but I'm literally so heartwrenchingly empty after the ending of this book. I picked up the third and final book so fast, but even then I just know I can never have what i wish for after this book tilted me on my axis.

The adventure goes on. There is sooo much character development! It‘s adorable. The story is magnificent, refreshing and I burst into laughter so many times.
This book is in no way inferior to the first. A so called Must-Read!

there was so much random description and really long-winded tangents that i totally lost the story

hm i should really sleep, so a short review: increasingly unrealistic characters going down very strange directions, mildly snoozy pacing, the most bizarre little person plan i’ve ever read. but still, a unique and inspiring world.

Dude the freaking ending! WHAT?! Talk about a cliff hanger!

My favorite of the series

So much better than the first book. I love how El is just the biggest pessimist but also a realist about things lol. The growth from wanting to kill to save was great

That ending made me want to scream! I didn’t go into this book thinking there’d be another after but now I just know a 3rd book is coming. It took a bit to actually get going, for the main plot to fall into place etc but once it did it was so good ahhh!! I can’t believe we’re going to be left with THAT as a cliffhanger…

3.5,, hashtag girlboss from el

cried at the end of this. a new fave series

Oh my gosh. WHAT. I haven't gotten so angry at the end of the book in a long time. This book is phenomenal. Can't wait for #3.

Screaming and running to a bookstore.

I enjoyed this one so much more than the first one! I really feel like the characters have grown tremendously and so have their relationships with each other. There's more use of magic and the stakes are so much higher. And the ending is quite the cliff hanger!

I loved this book very much. It has incredible characters and is full of defiant, furious hope in the face of crushing horror. My review of its ending is as follows: *seventeen consecutive hours of hysterical shrieking*

I am NOT OKAY. All caps. What. The. Fuck. Was. That. Ending. I can’t imagine reading this in September 2021 and having to wait a whole year for the next part. I will hardly survive a month.

Engrossing & full of emotions! Couldn't put it down, looking forward to the last book in the triology!


Paragraph 2 pg 207-210

Page 147-149
Page 197-198

~ The only positive outcome was my getting the first sign that Precious was actually becoming a familiar. She hadn't joined the frenzy; instead, as Pinky went for the burner, she'd run up my shoulder and jumped onto a high shelf of the lab, where she tipped a large beaker over herself and sat disapprovingly watching the other mice having fun with he fawpaws held over her nose. ~
Pg 78

~ After a few minutes, the door---which had done its slamming routine again just a few minutes before the leskirts made their appearance---slid back open in what I possible imagined was a disappointed way. It didn't even bang the loudly. ~
Pg 64

Page 27-29

"[The scholomance] would do it's best to protect en enclaver kid as much as a loser, and it wouldn't care that the enclavers had come in with a basketful of advantages. [...] it doled out it's help with an implacable unjust evenhandedness."
yes yes yes, she gets it

I was glad, so glad, even pinned down in this room with all the monsters in the world trying to come at me, at Orion, because it wasn't despair in his way after all; it was just the clumsiness of learning. He could want other things. I wasn't the only thing he'd ever want; I was just the first other thing he’d wanted.

"There's no such thing as normal people," I said, a desperate flailing. "There's just people, and some of them are miserable, and some of them are happy, and you've the same right to be happy as any of them-no more and no less."

I came in here and I've survived in here being sensible all the time, trying to always do the cleverest thing I could manage, to see all the clear and sharp-edged dangers from every angle, so I could just barely squeeze past them without losing too much blood.I could never afford to look past survival, especially not for anything as insanely expensive and useless as happiness, and I don't believe in it anyway.

That was the only line it drew, the line between safe and not safe, before it doled out its help with an implacable unjust evenhandednes. And it expected me to do the same, and it made me angry even while I couldn't see any way to do it better.

But more to the point, it was another suggestion, and the crowd in the reading room was breaking up into small groups along preferred language lines and starting to argue and discuss, to come up with ideas. Trying to help. I didn't care that all the ideas were useless; we'd literally only just started thinking.

“But sorry to break it to you, you both still need to eat and sleep somewhere and, even worse, occasionally interact with other humans.-“

-but they both kept a space open until I lurched in to join the hug, our arms around each other, and it was the miracle all over again, the miracle I still couldn't quite believe in: I wasn't alone anymore. They were saving me, and I was going to save them.

I think he liked people - a complete strange concept for me - and was genuinely naive

I turned to look him directly in the face. Thought in the red fog of anger about all the things I could do to him. So he stopped grinning an run as fast as he could. Ah, there are some advantages being a monsterous dark wizzard in embryonic state.
I just love this book. It's too funny