The Last Letter from Your Lover

The Last Letter from Your Lover

Jojo Moyes2011
Spanning forty years, two women's stories of love, loss and betrayal are intertwined in this perfect reading group novel.
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Photo of Abbie Duggan
Abbie Duggan@abbieduggan
4 stars
Jul 1, 2024

If you’re looking for an easy read with a fun, simple storyline, this book is a great choice. Although full of cliches and stereotypes, the writing of Moyes is engaging. I, personally, loved the addition of the letter correspondence in this book. They were the most intriguing part of the story. If you don’t mind the standard chick-lit tropes, this book will entertain you.

Photo of Joana da Silva
Joana da Silva@julesdsilva
4 stars
Mar 5, 2023

My only encounter with Jojo Moyes' writing was with Me Before You which I loved and made me sob beyond reason. I picked this one up because I knew the movie adaptation was coming to Netflix and I had to read the book before watching it, in order to have a firmer opinion on it. Big mistake. I really liked this book and the unraveling of this story caught me by surprise, making it a very satisfying read. However, the movie decided to kill all of my favourite parts of the book. So, if you do end picking this one up, don't expect the movie to match the beauty of this story, because it certainly doesn't.

Photo of Taylor Rae Peterson
Taylor Rae Peterson@taylorraepeterson
5 stars
Feb 6, 2023

Hopeful and hopeless at the same time. Filled all the cracks of my endlessly hopeless romantic self. Loved this one!

Photo of Jessica Ford
Jessica Ford@jessford
4 stars
Jan 7, 2023

I loved this book. I could not put it down. I think I might have loved it even more than Me Before You. There were a lot of characters to remember, but they were all really likable, except the husband. I can't wait to read another book by Moyes.

Photo of Sachali Lambinet
Sachali Lambinet@sachoulmt
3 stars
Dec 26, 2022


Photo of Alani Lacaci
Alani Lacaci@thelostbookmark_20
3 stars
Aug 30, 2022

“The Last Letter from Your Lover” by Jojo Moyes is a great story of love throughout the ages. I loved the plot of the storyline, however I did find it difficult to fully immerse myself in the story due to it being written in the third person. I am used to reading stories told from the first person point of view and found it difficult to get accustomed to not knowing what the characters were thinking. That being said I thoroughly enjoyed the storyline and the way the author portrayed her characters. “The Last Letter from Your Lover” is a story that follows Jennifer Stirling in the 1960s after she awakes from a car crash and can’t remember anything. She finds a love letter addressed to her and is willing to risk everything to find the person behind the writing. The story also follows Ellie Haworth in 2003 as she happens upon one of these love letters and becomes obsessed with finding the owners. Ellie wonders if the people behind the letter had found their happily ever after and if that could help her with her own relationship.

Photo of More
More @more
2 stars
Aug 16, 2022

Espere muchas cosas de este libro pero se me hizo re meh y la verdad me dio muy igual la historia de Ellie osea quería más contenido de Jennifer y B, aun así, ya quiero ver la peli.

Photo of Lyra Perez
Lyra Perez@lyralikesbooks
5 stars
Mar 21, 2022

This has to be one if the most beautiful books I've ever read, utterly heartbreaking, beautifully written and incredibly compelling. I cried like a baby. I wish someone had written beautiful letters to me like Tony did for Jenny. Gah...

Photo of Sarah Ryan
Sarah Ryan@sarahryan
4 stars
Mar 17, 2022

‘The young don’t have a monopoly on broken hearts.’ An emotional rollercoaster with cruel twists of fate intervening again and again. Are you living the wrong life? Did you miss the chance to live your dream life? Loved it. Finished in 2 days.

Photo of Julie D.
Julie D.@luxurists
3 stars
Mar 8, 2022

Went into this with no expectations, and glad for it because I felt unfulfilled at the end.

Photo of Bailey
Bailey @baileyannie
3 stars
Feb 28, 2022

3.5 I really enjoyed this book overall but it took about halfway through the book before it really got my attention. I also found this book harder to follow between jumping around time and perspectives I had to constantly check what point of the book I was at because it didn’t flow well with all of the back and forth. That being said, the story was beautiful and couldn’t get through the last half of the book quick enough. It took me several days to read Part 1 and Part 2 but then I was hooked!!

Photo of Jennifer A.
Jennifer A.@miesie112
4 stars
Feb 8, 2022

I won this book on Goodreads and I'm glad that I did. I particularly like the book because it reminded me of a fresher, bolder Joanna Trollope. It isn't the usual sordid affair in seemingly solid English marriage tale. Jojo Moyes is able to write it from such a clever angle. The story revolves around beautiful socialite, Jennifer Stirling, who appears to have the perfect life but is trapped in a toxic marriage. Jennifer yearns for true love and she finds a connection with a journalist with many troubles of his own. As the lovers attempt to rendezvous, Jennifer gets into a tragic accident and she wakes with no memories. The only link to her affair are letters written with such heartfelt tenderness. Several decades later, another journalist named Ellie discovers the letters and decides to find the two lovers not only to save her career but as an attempt to make sense of her own life. In the end, as much as I appreciated Jennifer's story, I actually enjoyed Ellie's much more.

Photo of María Belén
María Belén@mbferreyra
3 stars
Dec 13, 2021

Having read 2 other books by this author and enjoyed them a lot, I expected this to be as "fabulous, emotional and evocative" as the back cover promised. For me, it wasn't. That's not to say I didn't like it, because I did. But I found Ellie, one of the 'main' characters to be rather dull and idiotic sometimes. Not that we get to read much about her, but still, she was boring and needed a lot more character development. I did like Jennifer's character and her story (which takes almost 90% of the book.) I liked the historical setting and, to my surprised, I liked the romance between Jennifer and Anthony. It was very well developed. The ending was very sweet. I enjoy Jojo Moyes's books. I like her writing and her characters. So, even if this one in particular didn't blow my mind, I still enjoyed it. The Last Letter from Your Lover is a sweet and entertaining read.

Photo of Meghan Truskowski
Meghan Truskowski@readingtimewithpie
3 stars
Nov 1, 2021

Not my favorite Jojo Moyes but I still enjoy her stories.

Photo of Shruti Chhapia
Shruti Chhapia@shrutichhapia
5 stars
Oct 19, 2021

Absolutely loved it! Such a heart wrenching story. It starts off quite slow and it takes time to get a hang of where the story’s going and the characters at first but when you do get to know them, it’s a total page turner. Loved the protagonists of the story and the letter writing was just beautiful. The way the 2 generations merged was also portrayed so well. Another great one from Jojo Moyes! Can’t wait to watch the movie now :)

Photo of Allyson Marrs
Allyson Marrs@ajmarrs
5 stars
Oct 11, 2021

It's been a while since I've read such a rich story. Emotionally poignant and heartfelt, this book pulled me in and left me a bit weepy. Beautifully tragic yet optimistic, Jojo knows how to write characters and the stories that tie them together.

Photo of Jess Wragg
Jess Wragg@bookishjessie
4 stars
Aug 29, 2021

4⭐️ I throughly enjoyed this book, Jojo tells an engaging tale, from a forbidden 1960s affair to modern day romance. The multiple POV in this make you love all the characters and really want them to get their happy endings. This will definitely give you all the feels, enjoy both the happy and sad tears!

Photo of Yeldah Yousfi
Yeldah Yousfi@yeldahyousfi
3 stars
Aug 28, 2021

3.5 stars, the ending was surprising though

Photo of Darian
3 stars
Dec 15, 2024
Photo of Kattia
4 stars
May 27, 2024
Photo of Maria M
Maria M@mariasagdalen
3.5 stars
Jan 9, 2024
Photo of Abbey
Abbey @abereads
2.5 stars
Sep 3, 2022
Photo of Amelia Cohen
Amelia Cohen@millie1
2.5 stars
Aug 26, 2022
Photo of Sarah Campbell
Sarah Campbell@wiltedsarah
5 stars
Feb 26, 2022