
I was surprised when I read this book, how good it was! sure, there are LOTS of great books, and I personally like almost all of them, but the plot kept me going and I couldn't stop reading. If you don't like Sci-fi books or animal books, your going to hate it! Becasue thats excactly what it is, a futuristic world, but with the author's own twist of talking animals. I'd recommend for ages 11 and up!

6.5/10 A good book and it was interesting and I enjoyed it but nothing made me read it or drew me in. I like the concept and it's well written but it's not a series I'm interested in continuing. It's good as a standalone. I would recommend it to people looking for books about the environment but it's not a books I would strait up recommend.

Definitely written for the 8-12 set. Still, a good story. Maybe I'll keep going?