
Eugenia Andino@laguiri
I read the first third of this book for class about six years ago. I liked it, but never found the time or the will to finish it.

Daryl Houston@dllh
This was a labor if ever there was one. Early on, I debated abandoning it but decided to stick it out since it's supposed to be a pillar of our literature. There are some funny bits, and surely it was audacious for its time, but this was about as much of a slog as I've worked through.

Liam Holbrook@lehol

Will Vunderink@willvunderink

James Miller@severian

Deniz Erkaradağ@denizerkaradag

Kelsi Proulx@kproulx

Giovanni Garcia-Fenech @giovannigf

Rose Stanley@roseofoulesfame

Kaitee Tredway@kaiteeyaeko


Kate Allman@katec

Greta V. @gretav322

Joshua Line@fictionjunky

Amro Gebreel@amro

Amro Gebreel@amro

Lily Bradic@lily