The Man with No Borders

DNF for me at this time. I honestly just did not connect with this book at all. I'm about 40 percent of the way in and Im just bored. I saw the twist coming from way early on. and I don't think I can read about fish/fishing for one more page. I have been listening to the audiobook and the narrator has a very strong accent which makes sense. But that is something that I struggle with in audiobooks just because it makes it difficult for me to be in the story. I like to listen to audiobooks while im doing something else like cleaning or cooking etc. But when the accents are so strong I have to give the book my full attention. All of that to say I don't think this book is horrible. I feel like this is almost like a memoir and its just not that interesting to me. I may pick up the physical book and try and finish it at a later time.