The Manual A Philosopher's Guide to Life
"If it is beyond your power to control, let it go.""Do not wish that all things will go well with you, but that you will go well with all things.""In this way, you will overcome life's challenges, rather than be overcome by them." Epictetus (c. AD 50-135) was a former Roman slave who became a great teacher, deeply influencing the future emperor Marcus Aurelius among many others. His philosophy, Stoicism, was practical, not theoretical--aimed at relieving human suffering here and now. Epictetus knew suffering--besides being enslaved, he was lame in one leg and walked with a crutch. The Manual is a collection of Epictetus' essential teachings and pithy sayings, compiled by one of his students. It is the most accessible and actionable guide to Stoic philosophy, as relevant today as it was in the Roman Empire.This new edition, published by Ancient Renewal, is rendered in contemporary English by Sam Torode.

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