The Mediator #6: Twilight
Suze has gotten used to ghosts. They wake her up in the middle of the night. They haunt her locker at school. She's even spotted a few down at Carmel Beach. Suze is a mediator, after all, and communicating with the dead is all in a day's work for her. The last thing she ever expected was to fall in love with one: Jesse, a nineteenth-century hottie. But when she and Paul Slater, himself a mediator of undeniable power (and dubious intent), discover that the powers they share aren't limited to helping ghosts resolve their earthly woes, but can also be used to determine whether or not they become ghosts in the first place, Suze can't help but freak. Not because she suddenly knows how to alter the course of history, but because Paul can, too. And Paul would like nothing better than to prevent Jesse's murder, keeping him from becoming a ghost and allowing him to live a natural life at last ... but in the nineteenth century. Meaning Jesse and Suze would never meet. Suddenly, Suze is faced with the most important decision of her life: allow the only guy she's ever loved to have the life he's always longed for ... or keep him anchored forever in half-life at her side. Will Jesse choose to live without her, or die to love her?

This series is fantastic. Not quite as wonderful as I remembered from reading it ten years ago, but it was a lot of fun. You can't go wrong with a Meg Cabot book, and I can't even describe how excited I am for the adult follow up novel in 2016!!!

Helena Cristina Nogueira Pereira@helenanogueira99
My new favourite in the series! Jesse 🤩

Kristina Sanders@ksanders013

Shannon Lamoree@sllam

Jacqueline Jordan @jacjor7

Nadine Arona@itsnadinea

Anney Ernst@anneythebooknerd


Treslyn Welters@treslyn

Emily Ortiz@emmarie313

Terri Arnold@terriarnold

Anya Azrael@anyaazrael

Sarah Rebello@blindelia

Ella Zegarra@ellieroth

Fruzsina Juhász@maybeimabookworm

Shay Rabaya@goldensnitchskr

Katie Egan@katieshuffle



Malin Alexander@malinreads


Insiya Ghadiali@insi


Stephane Campos@stephane