The Memorable Thoughts of Socrates

The Memorable Thoughts of Socrates

"The Memorable Thoughts of Socrates" book has a beautiful glossy cover and a blank page for the dedication. "I have often wondered by what show of argument the accusers of Socrates could persuade the Athenians he had forfeited his life to the State. For though the crimes laid unto his charge were indeed great - "That he did not acknowledge the gods of the Republic; that he introduced new ones" - and, farther, "had debauched the youth;" yet none of these could, in the least, be proved against him.For, as to the first, "That he did not worship the deities which the Republic adored," how could this be made out against him, since, instead of paying no homage to the gods of his country, he was frequently seen to assist in sacrificing to them, both in his own family and in the public temples? - perpetually worshipping them in the most public, solemn, and religious manner."
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