The Miracle Morning

I really liked the theoretical part and when he explained why he does what in his morning routine, but at the end it got a little boring in my opinion. But still a good book if you are interested in building a morning routine.

The idea and suggestions are good but the amount of self promotion is just too much for me. I ended up skimming through the second half of the book to get the main points and that was more than enough.

I thought this had some great content, although it’s oh-so-salesy tone really put me off. Also, I rebel against being told there’s ONE way to do things, ever. I will gradually adopt adding the SAVERS into my daily ritual (Silence, Affirmations, Visualization, Exersicse, Reading, Scribe) because I see the value in it, but most likely not at 5am. 😃

Not saying that it’s without merit, but the amount of self promotion is distracting. Skim read to extract the goodness. It’s worth rereading and practicing put, but keep in mind you do have to self filter out all the jargon-y catchy names for said systems.

This is set out as a transformational book. In spite of my resistance to rah-rah self-help books and mnemonics for lists or turning everything into an acronym, the fundamental ideas in this book make a lot of sense and are consistent with other sources I've read for being more energized and successful at reaching goals and having higher energy levels. I can't answer transformative since I've only done one day but so far I'm pleased.

The book itself I would rate as 2/5 because of the poor writing style, typos, and generally casual approach. The methods he espouses? 4/5! I’ve heard great things and am excited to try it myself.

Inspirational I have been searching for a way to improve my life for a long time. No matter what I tried, I just never seemed to be quite satisfied. The Miracle Morning might be the habit that finally does it and if it isn't it will help me figure out what is!!

Insightful I’ve been trying to get through this book foreverrrrr. It’s a good little read, I’ve quoted and saved a lot from it. I wish there was a full breakdown or a better planning section for your miracle morning, I think like many business or mindset books you gained understanding of the message very quickly at the start of the book and the rest of waffle, I did feel like it was trying to sell me on something (haha) but good little read.

Just to remember I shouldn't trust charts

Expected something new, got another identical self improvement book which could be condensed to an article on buzzfeed: "Wake up early and you'll earn millions."

A book that should've been a blog post

Life changing

I really loved this book, I loved the idea to start this year with a book like this. It was perfect, it gave me inspiration to start this year with a fresh start. Yes, I know, stupid New Years resolutions but it gave me some new ideas to make my morning better. So in my opinion this was a fantastic book, it did what I expected it would bring me.

"The miracle morning” is a well-known self-development book about how your life can change if you follow some simple guidelines as you wake up in the morning. As a book “the miracle morning” was a compelling and easy to fly by book. It was short a concise. It gives the necessary guidelines and explanations about them, but the author did not go around and around some ideas without making anything clear. The examples were concise and not more than necessary. Therefore, I read the book really fast and wanted to finish the book right away, so I could start with the 30-day challenge, right away. I do not know how to explain it but it made me wanting to do it, something that many times in the past when I have read other books from this kind had not happen. All being said, I really recommend reading this book if you are looking for some motivation to wake up in the morning and get the day going right away.

A little to rah-rah for me overall, but some good points.

I will write a full review tomorrow morning!

I'm writing this review at 6:30am, after waking up at 6. I normally never wake up before 7:30am. I think that tells you most of what you need to know about this one. This is an area I've been curious about for a long time. For some of my most productive years, I woke up promptly in the morning and went to the gym for an hour. That morning workout gave me a lot of strength for the rest of the day - more self-control, more optimism, more sense of accomplishment to start the day. I'd always presumed that was specific to what I was doing (working out). After reading this book, I believe I was off on that presumption. Instead, doing anything productive to start the day can lead to these benefits. This limiting belief - that I'm a night person and that I can't do it – was quickly shut down, and now I'm hoping to give this early riser thing a try.