
Lo padre de Rebecca Solnit es que te lleva de la mano en cada uno de sus ensayos. The mother of all questions retoma temas de sus ensayos en Men explain things to me y lo profundiza con su tema central: el silencio. Desde los roles de género en la sociedad hasta la importancia de movimientos políticos y sociales para generar todo cambio en la sociedad y el mundo, Rebecca Solnit te lo explica todo. Y te deja pensando, a veces dices "wey, eso ya lo sabía" hasta que te das cuenta que nunca lo habías analizado profundamente. En fin. Fan total de esta mujer. Se sabe.

The introduction is great. But the way too few mentions of how race and queerness interact with feminism are not fully formed and borderline harmful. The audiobook narrator pronounced latinx "la-tinks". After the majority of the first half of the book focused on sexual assault, it went on to laud two male comedians with well known accusations of sexual harassment/sexual misconduct as open feminists using their platform and maleness to call out other men and praise feminism. Absolutely disgusting and I'm quitting. DNF @ 53%


As it happens, there are many reasons why I don’t have children: I am very good at birth control; though I love children and adore aunthood, I also love solitude; I was raised by unhappy, unkind people, and I wanted neither to replicate their form of parenting nor to create human beings who might feel about me the way that I sometimes felt about my begetters; the planet is unable to sustain more first-world people, and the future is very uncertain; and I really wanted to write books, which as I’ve done it is a fairly consuming vocation. I’m not dogmatic about not having kids. I might have had them under other circumstances and been fine - as I am now.
p. 4-5