The Mysteries of Udolpho


Reviewed on my ig, here https://www.instagram.com/p/CkYtydRMVxn/

After seeing this book referenced in many other works of literature, I was intrigued. Radcliffe is a very detailed author and her works are considered gothic literature. The book started out slow but by the second section it picked up quickly. It is a book full of mystery, pirates, plunder, kidnapping, extortion, spirits and twist and turns all the way to the end.

Un 3'5 para esta aventura. Pensaba que lo iba a abandonar y ha acabado gustándome. Es cierto que hay fragmentos que no han aportado mucho y se me hacían cuesta arriba, pero el resto me ha tenido intrigada todo el tiempo. Hay que leerlo con mente de época para no pensar que Emily, la protagonista, es un poco cansina con sus llantos y sus desmayos. Y la autora deja todo muy bien atado. Está dividido en cuatro volúmenes, mis preferidos han sido el 2 y el final del 4. Sin duda, ha sido mejor lectura de lo que esperaba.

final tally of emily fainting: 36 (flat out fainting = 1, feeling faint = 0.5)

I had to read this for class so at times it was difficult to get through. I found it to be really enjoyable at times and the twists were great!


She sought for one, in which Valancourt had been reading the day before, and hoped for the pleasure of re-tracing a page, over which the eyes of a beloved friend had lately passed, of dwelling on the passages, which he had admired, and of permitting them to speak to her in the language of his own mind, and to bring himself to her presence.

But what reason and effort may fail to do, time effects.