
so silly

people gotta stop lying man

Raven K@readsbyrae15

razan @razan412
3.5 /5 stars lets just say that i would've liked it more if i it wasn't for a literary reading class :) With that being said, it wasn't the best short story that I've read but it still is an enjoyable read, although the characters were stupid and i hated all of them very much, but the concept of the book saved it and i appreciate that.

Tala @gamineallure

Molly M@molsmcq

skim haunts@graffritil


Nada Ghanim@nadaghanim

Philip Seifi@seifip

kayla le@kay_la_le


Henry Fey@hrjfey

Tiffanie Dang@lovelessdegrees

Cheryl Hedlund@cappuccino136

Emma Kimbrough@emmae

Lizzy Frykman@frizzylykman

Amro Gebreel@amro

Júlia Roppa@juliaroppa