
** spoiler alert ** I think I’m on a roll with reading at the moment, but that might be because I want to be ready to read The Enchantress by next week. I know last book in the Nicholas Flamel series has already been released in some countries (grrr…North America), but from what I understand a lot of people have been satisfied with the ending. The Necromancer begins where The Sorceress ended; back in San Francisco where Nicholas Flamel is reunited with Perenelle. After the Flamels and the twins split up for some time, only to have Sophie taken away by two mysterious people. However later she is reunited with Josh and we find out who the two characters. Later the adventures ensue as Josh is taught the Magic of Fire by Prometheus, brother to the Witch of Endor while Scathatch, Joan of Arc, Saint Germain,Palamedes and Will Shakespeare are trapped in a Shadowrealm created by the mysterious curved hooked man Marethyu, what does he want from the Warriors? Plotwise, The Necromancer was written well. It had about three simultaneous narratives occurring, but both are relative in the end. The story was quite fast paced and there was more character development on Josh’s part this time in comparison to the previous books. I also enjoyed reading the history of the swords of power and the creation of the human race. Furthermore what I appreciated about this book was how the narratives weren’t confusing. Yes they intertwined at the end, but as the story progressed they were separate and there was no confusion. The flashbacks that were in this book were also well done. As for characters, I really need to get this off my chest; I really really dislike Perenelle Flamel. I didn’t like her in The Sorceress either but this book made me dislike her even more. She was so arrogant and cruel in this book. Also I was annoyed at the way she was rude to Josh and always snapping when things didn’t go her way. She basically reminded me of a spoiled child and I got tired of her character quite soon. Nicholas Flamel didn’t seem to have too much of a presence in this book and I didn’t mind. However you could see that he most certainly was not the boss in his marriage. Looking at the twins, I enjoyed the way Josh’s character developed. It seemed like he was stepping out of Sophie’s shadow and I thought it was interesting that how he seemed hurt/confused when he realized that Sophie and him were no longer equals. Sophie on the other hand, I was getting annoyed at her in this book because she always spoke for herself and Josh. It also seemed liked she didn’t trust Josh to make the right decisions and it might have been a reason for where the character ended up eventually. I liked all the secondary characters in this book, especially Prometheus and Machiavelli. Machiavelli was developed in a humanistic manner in The Necromancer and it was interesting to read the passages of him recalling some of the conversations he had with his wife over his beliefs and attitude. Prometheus was a favourite because he recognized the Flamels for the what they were; bringers of death and destruction and I appreciated the fact that he stood up to them since most characters seemed to shrink at they appeared. Niten and Aoife (Pronounced E-Fa) were also great characters and I want to see how they’re going to be developed in The Warlock. The most elusive character of course is Marethyu, the curved hooked man. when I first read his description he reminded me of Captain Hook, but he seems like he is much more intelligent, shrewd and cunning. I know a lot of theories about him have been thrown out there, so I’m interested to know what those who read the book thought of him. Overall, I enjoyed reading The Necromancer.Just like Harry Potter & The Goblet Of Fire I feel this book has set the wheels in motion for the next two books. The historical and mythological character appearance is always fascinating in Scott’s books and the ending left me wanting to read The Warlock asap. My Rating: 4/5 Would I recommend it? Yes

This series has definitely taken a turn for the better! I was starting to get a little bored at the end of the third book, but The Necromancer totally renewed my interest in this series. I can't wait to read the next book!

Meh. As this series goes on I'm getting sicker and sicker of the character of Josh. He honestly second-guesses everything. Between him and Sophie, I believe they've gone back and forth between thinking the Flammels are good/bad about 54 times in the span of 4 books and SUPPOSEDLY one week. Perhaps it's also because Scatach and Joan (view spoiler)[went BACK IN TIME (hide spoiler)] at the end of book 3 and then, OH WAIT, NO! Turns out they(view spoiler)['re actually just in a convenient shadow realm made to LOOK like prehistoric Earth. (hide spoiler)] So, basically, this book series (view spoiler)[has jumped the shark. Twice. (hide spoiler)] Which I find astounding given that it is a book series in which we are fully willing to accept the existence of shadow realms, immortal humans, ancient magical beings, monsters, Billy the Kid and Macchiavelli being buds and all manner of ridiculousness... So... It takes a lot for me to say, "(view spoiler)[OH, COME ON! (hide spoiler)]" I do not plan on reading any more of this series. Oh, and if you choose to listen to the audiobook, I hope your player allows you to play it at 1.25x speed because that's what I had to do to make the narration bearable. He. Took......... So Many, Pauses.

This book was ok. I will continue to complete the series just because I never start something I can't finish.