The New Rules of Management How to Revolutionise Productivity, Innovation and Engagement by Implementing Projects That Matter
A guide for modern organisations about optimising productivity,creating a culture of innovation, and building high-performingteams It's time to stop managing and start implementing. The NewRules of Management is about creating and implementing projectsthat truly matter, because even the best ideas, projects andobjectives mean nothing until they are executed. In truth, mostorganisations aren't designed to successfully implement long-termprojects, but successfully implementing the projects that matter isthe key to long-term success. In this book, you'll learn how tosuccessfully manage yourself, your teams, and your entireorganisation to create and execute engaging, vital projects thatpeople and teams care about. When you do implementation rightsuccess becomes a given—on the personal, team, andorganisational levels. So if you want your business to succeed,it's time to implement the projects that truly matter. Start now,with The New Rules of Management. A management guide to building engagement and innovation in anyorganisation Written by a master business coach, mentor, entrepreneur,thought leader, and popular public speaker Ideal for business leaders and managers who want to take theirorganisations into the twenty-first century