The New World (FREE Short Story)
In this dramatic short story -- a prequel to the award-winning Chaos Walking Trilogy -- author Patrick Ness gives us the story of Viola's journey to the New World. Whether you're new to Chaos Walking or an established fan, this prequel serves as a fascinating introduction to the series that Publishers Weekly called one of the most important works of young adult science fiction in recent years.

Amanda Kordeliski@akordeliski
Short story of Viola and her family and how they came to New World. Great background information for an incredible trilogy.

I probably should’ve read this before starting the trilogy, which was my thought when I first started. But if you read the trilogy without reading this, you’ll be fine. There won’t be anything you wouldn’t understand. I might be biased because I love Viola so much but I actually loved and enjoyed this. Meeting Viola and her parents, joining their little adventure, getting her background, I loved seeing these.

Alexis Clara@alexisclara

Laura Dobie@lauradaisyd


Victoria P@lindanaranja

Gaia Marino@okuribi

Anne Driscoll @settlerofcatanne

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Ian Marchant @stranstringulon

Julie D.@luxurists

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