The One

reads like episodes of Black Mirror, exploring five stories linked by the fascinating concept of the world with DNA-matched soulmates. Each one takes me on its own emotional rollercoaster - I felt scared, perplexed, joyful, and satisfied as I turned the pages. While some plot twists are predictable, the author kept me invested in every story, delivering satisfying conclusions across the board.

WOW. This is the first non-fantasy book I’ve ever rated 5 stars. This book is a roller coaster and so complex. Getting to read from so many different perspectives was such a unique reading experience and that was without all the crazy plot twists. I lost track of how many surprised gasps left my mouth while reading this book. So unpredictable and really great storytelling.

what a wild ride!!!!

No because this one was lowkey CRAZY. I had no idea what was going to happen pretty much the entire book and then end sent me through a whirlwind.

This was a fun breezy thriller. Perfect summer reading!

“Maybe when you took it back to the basics, that's what love really was: just being there for someone when the sun rises and sets." I'm never downloading a dating app again in my life :D 4.5

This was such a good thriller! John took his time introducing the characters which, I would argue, is necessary to get into the story. After the introduction, you find yourself face-to-face with one after another mindblowing event. The book is fast-paced, which is always fun, but what truly did me in, were the plot twists and the cliffhangers. Especially since you have 5 different POVs, I found the cliffhangers and the plot twists motivated me to keep reading. I was able to see a few twists coming, but it didn't pose any problem since there were SO MANY. I would say as long as you turn a bit of a blind eye to the logistics of the whole DNA matches thing, you'll have an enjoyable read! To sum it up, this book is a fun page-turner!

4/5 — the amount of plot twists in this book is insane☠️ like there is at least one in each chapter i love it🩷 but -1 star cause i feel like some of the chapters were boring whoops

a very good read This book was written with holding the readers attention all throughout. The twists and turns were unexpected yet perfectly aligned with the characters. It’s a believable story in todays’ technological age. When I took sabbatical from first starting this book, I never lost a word of it’s pages and picked up to finish it. It was like watching a mini series in word form.

The first half was intriguing but a bit slow. The middle was a major page turner. And the final pages were a bit of a let down, in my opinion. 3.5 is a fair rating because I was HOOKED for about a quarter of the book.

Whew! This was an exhilarating journey, thoroughly enjoyable. Multiple POVs, though not my usual preference, were masterfully handled. The short chapters kept me hooked, feeling a range of emotions—anger, sadness, and laughter. While initially drawn to Christopher, the later evolution of his character seemed implausible, compromising my overall satisfaction. Nevertheless, I'm eager to explore more works by this author!

Idk, these people are insane

This book took this concept everywhere I wanted it to. The alternating POVs made for exciting cliffhangers at the end of each chapter. I’m excited for the Netflix adaptation and hope they’re able to capture the essence of this novel.

One of the best fiction audiobooks I’ve listened to!! This was so gripping, felt like a Black Mirror episode, and I was equally invested in each character storyline! THE NETFLIX SHOW SUCKS SO BAD!!

INCROYABLE i was initially pissed by the structure of the book, namely the back to back switch between many characters, felt like i would never be able to remember shit about them. oh boy was i wrong absolutely loved the different plots, the twists and turns were so subtle yet effective. most chapters were short and ended with a cliffhanger, which made me even more excited to know wtf is going on some happy endings, some less happy ones but overall a really really really interesting & well written book

I could not put this book down! All of the stories were perfectly told. Some twists are a bit predictable but others catch you way off guard. Just wow. I hope Netflix does it justice.

Loved this book… couldn’t stop reading it to find out what happened at the end. I loved all the deceit and the happy endings… was more than the straight forward multi-love story lines.

3.5 stars

I had to sit on this review because I needed to process what happened. I knew this book was a thriller and while it does have thriller aspects, I feel it falls more under psychological thriller best. There were times throughout this book, I needed to set the book down and breathe because I had the feeling of wanting to throw up. I liked how after every chapter, I would imagine I had a sense of where the stories were going and then, the rug would get pulled out from under me. Every chapter would end in a cliffhanger and even when the book would get a little redundant or boring, you just NEEDED to keep reading. I almost wish these characters would intersect somehow. I was waiting for the moment that they would but it never came, and I feel like that would give the storylines a little bit of spice. It was an engaging book and I would definitely recommend it.

A strong 3.5. I wanted to love this book. It had an interesting concept and the multiple POVs made for a fun time (albeit at times, overly convoluted). However, the climax of the story did not do it for me. And the ending was mediocre at best. Almost every chapter offered a shocking ending that would make you want to read more (seriously, I should already be sleeping right now but I stayed up late cause I couldn’t put it down) but in the end, I was left feeling meh.

The writing style of following multiple storyline was captivating and all the twists kept me turning the pages, finishing this book in a whoping 2 days! Great read!!! Keeps you guessing!

This was a really inventive, fast paced story. Following these five characters and their stories simultaneously, was a fun and exciting ride. Definitely gets you thinking!

If you could find out who your soulmate is by doing a DNA test, would you? Would you do it if you were already in a committed relationship? This book follows five individuals who do just that. Each chapter goes back and forth between each of the individuals + all I have to say is WOW. After almost every chapter there is a plot twist. I'd say this book is romance, thriller and supense all in one, it's a wild ride! John, I absolutely love your writing and can't wait to read more from you.

I’m going to start by saying this book is not an easy read. This is the first and only book I’ve ever made a character map for, before I did this I had little to no motivation to read it. BUT if you’re willing to put in the effort this book is damn good. There are five couples that this book revolves around and each of their stories is more intriguing than the last. I am so excited to keep reading book by this author because this was so good! It really showed true human nature but also gave us like five little mysteries in one? The only reason it’s not 5 stars is because I cannot keep a character straight for the life of me

Maybe when you took it back to basics, that’s what love really was: just being there for someone when the sun rises and sets.

If you've got the opportunity to love someone as much as they love you, then grab it with both hands and hold on to it for dear life.

Everyone wants to cheat, but it's whether you've got a good enough reason to do it.
what a diabolical thing to say?

Can I offer you or your pet giant a coffee?' Tim asked, eyeballing Andrei.

It seemed incredible to him that people were stupid enough to store their entire lives on five inches of plastic for anyone to poke about in.