The Panic Years Dates, Doubts, and the Mother of All Decisions

This book was interesting at times albeit a odd blend of the personal narrative vs statistics and passages illuminating the societal realities of deciding to give birth in the UK. Another thing to note about this book it isn’t really about the mediation around decision having a child or not, more about the path she took to get there which I think would have given this book much more oomph.

If you are looking for a relatable, funny and honest read surrounding the countless trials and tribulations that coincide with being a 25-40 woman then I promise you, you wont be able to put this book down. It speaks so effortlessly about the topics that we are all thinking about, whether we actively speak about them or not. The Panic years has made me feel connected to my tribe of fellow women and has made me understand on a more humanistic level, how not one of our journeys through these years will be the same and not any one of those journeys less important then the other. Thanks Nell Frizzell for countless laughs and home truths that I felt compelled to face whilst sipping on a glass (bottle) of red wine in the bath of an evening.