
i should've never read this because now i won't be able to take raoul seriously ever again. he's just there, crying and whining and being pathetic for the entirety of the novel. useless french twink!

Una mezcla perfecta entre fantasía y realidad. Atrapante, magnético, lleno de ese sinsentido que solo da la pasión y el siglo XIX. Otro personaje expulsado y convertido en monstruo por la sociedad, como Frankenstein. Aunque claro que sí hay que elegir una de las dos para leer por esta temática la de Mary Shelley le pasa el trapo. Genial novela de terror y amor.

** spoiler alert ** Raoul, when I catch you, you useless piece of shit.

Fist off, I would like to state that this story is significantly different from the musical, for the Phantom's perspective which I was familiar with from the musical remains untold in the book and is a mystery until the end of the book, where it all unravels in an emotional chapter. The book as a whole could be classified as a mystery novel, for it kind of had that Sherlock Holmes element. The mystery was of the Opera Ghost/Angel of Music who possessed Christine Daaé and taught her how to sing. Christine's lover, Raoul, and a Persian who claims to have known the ghost uncover the mystery, they discover a psychotic man hiding behind the mask of a ghost. A man who has never been loved or accepted, not even by his mother, due to his physical disfiguration. But on the contrary, he possessed a divine voice unlike any other, and thus he resided in the dark tunnels under the opera house, composing his music until he fell in love with Christine, and thanks to his inexperience nature of dealing with people, he kidnaps her in attempt to make her his wife. In the end, after torturing Christine's lover, Raoul, and threatening to blow up a quarter of the population of Paris, the hysterical "Phantom" is stopped by Christine giving in and finally consenting to marry him out of pity. At that moment, I wasn't able to get the lyrics from the musical out of my head, "Pitiful creature of darkness, what kind of life have you known? God give me courage to show you, you are not alone!" The shock that cam from the sudden feeling of being loved by somebody else was too much for him to handle, so he released Christine, and tells her to go off and marry Raoul. He commands her never to come back except for the purpose of burying him when he dies which would be caused by the unbearable love that he has towards towards her.

3,75⭐️ Tenía bastantes ganas de leer este libro ya que me propuse a principios de año leer unos cuantos clásicos. La verdad es que la trama me ha parecido muy buena pero muchas veces se me ha hecho un poco pesado y lento. Aunque eso no quiere decir que la pluma del escritor es una pasada, para mi gusto le sobran páginas. La verdad es que hay muy pocos personajes de la historia que me hayan gustado y no he llegado a simpatizar con casi ninguno: Raoul me ha parecido bastante pesado y siento un amor/odio hacia Christine que no sabría ni cómo explicar. También me hubiera gustado que hubieran pasado más cosas en la ópera ya que me ha parecido que ahí no están casi nunca (sólo al principio y al final). Por los temas que trata, me parece que es un libro que todo el mundo debería leer (aunque no esperéis una historia de romance bonita, porque este libro es básicamente horror y tragedia).

This one was a fun one! I love the Phantom of the Opera musical and the movie so it was about time for me to finally read the book. I loved seeing the story in another way and getting to see more of these characters and be more deeply immersed in Leroux’s Paris.

Christine would have been better off without Raoul or Erik.

The book is surprisingly funny and carries an interesting message. The writing is charming, witty, and engaging. Definitely one of my favorite literary works.

Óda na tanec, architektúru, akustiku, estetiku, lásku a utrpenie.

3 Stars *An inspiring classic that is a bit rough around the edges* I absolutely adore Andrew Lloyd Weber’s adaption of The Phantom of the Opera! It is one of my all-time favorites. But it was many years before I realized it was based on a book and quite a few years after that before I finally got around to reading it. I was intrigued by the first half of the book. I loved discovering the origins of a well-loved story. But my interest floundered in the second half. The story dragged on, and the inconsistencies in Leroux’s narration got tedious. For such a short novella, it took me weeks to finish it. With each adaptation I’ve seen, I have never been enthralled with Raoul. He always struck me as a rather generic pretty, rich boy lacking in personality. I understood the appeal of his star-crossed love affair with Christine but never routed for him. But I never realized that he is so much worse in the book! He is the epitome of angst! Tragic, inept, moon-eyed, hand-wringing angst that made me roll my eyes countless times. Even more unfortunately, around the time the story slows way down, Raoul takes the spotlight hence why it took me so long to finish the book. It’s a story with good bones, but it flounders towards the end. Nevertheless, it is easy to see why this story has captured the attention of so many people. Love and tragedy and Gothic mystery all combined into a memorable tale. But when I hear “Phantom of the Opera,” my first thought will still be Andrew Lloyd Weber not Gaston Leroux. RATING FACTORS: Ease of Reading: 3 Stars Writing Style: 3 Stars Characters and Character Development: 3 Stars Plot Structure and Development: 3 Stars Level of Captivation: 3 Stars Originality: 4 Stars

Enjoyable. I have taken to muttering things like "I had just left the library in despair..." and "the grasshopper hops jolly high" to myself.

I adored this novel with quite alot of hunger for it. Again, I struggled sometimes with the classical features of this book, but thanks to a sort of glossary at the back of my copy I was able to collect as much contextual knowledge as possible.
I loved the whole plot of this story, Eric was one of the most well writted characters in my opinion that I have ever read. He is all rounded with good background tragedy and then reflecting it back into the present day struggle was also well done. I adored how he craved the love of Miss Dae. I loved the envy of him. I found this uncommon romance particularly beautiful in a heartbreaking way.
I love Christine Dae with alot of my own heart. I formed a gorgeous bond with her. I found her selflessness of wanting everyone to be happy refreshing. It was pretty tragic to read but I was all the same quite proud of her in a sense.
The viscount was at some times unbearable and at others quite extraordinary. I don't blame him for his temper with Christine, but it just seemed so over the top I found myself despising myself at times. All the same I did adore him.
As a conclusion, I would recommend this book for a gothic, dark vibe with a ghoul-like atmosphere.

WOWWW such an incredible classic!! Was never boring, beautifully written and soul crashing. Loved it SOOOO much.
Also, I was kinda rooting for the phantom... he has a place inside my heart.

“Poor, unhappy Erik! Shall we pity him? Shall we curse him? He asked only to be ‘someone,’ like everybody else. But he was too ugly”
Ain’t that just the way

Not my first go around with this book but it is my first time listening to it. I listened to the version narrated by B.J. Harrison, highly recommend. He was an excellent narrator! I absolutely love this book, it’s fanciful, engaging, funny, and wonderfully gothic. One of my favorites for sure.

** spoiler alert ** I would have given it 5 stars but I hated how it repeatedly mentioned that Christine could never love him because of how he looked instead of focusing on the fact that he's a psychopath. And letting Christine go and marry Raoul, what?! That made no sense! why the sudden change of heart?! And don't say "because he loved her and wanted her happy" when he was willing to kill her if he couldn't have her. It made no sense! I'm very torn in between sympathy, disgust, and awe of Erik. I mean lets face it, the guy's a genius, mind you an evil genius, but a genius nonetheless. I don't think Iv'e ever laughed so much from a chapter as I did from chapter 26 in this book "I kissed my ALIVE wife!" " on the forehead" "SWOON" HAHA too funny. Oh and the chapter where their searching for for Christine under the opera house was way too long. All in all I really enjoyed it. I saved a quote from this book years ago and just realized I should add it here None will ever be a true Parisian who has not learned to wear a mask of gaiety over his sorrows and one of sadness, boredom or indifference over his inward joy. -The Phantom of the Opera You know that one of your friends is in trouble; do not try to console him: he will tell you that he is already comforted; but, should he have met with good fortune, be careful how you congratulate him: he thinks it so natural that he is surprised that you should speak of it. In Paris, our lives are one masked ball;

One thing I didn’t expect this book to be was ‘hilarious’ but oh my god?? Classic slapstick is on another level. The star cast: two bumbling managerial idiots, one particularly empty-headed twink love interest, a love-starved living corpse that is in equal measures terrifying and pitiful, and then the Daroga and Christine, sole keepers of any level of common sense. All narrated by a “professional” “historian” who has the exact energy that he commits tax fraud. And I loved them all. God bless.

** spoiler alert ** Lovelly book really enjoyed it 10/10 would recommend. SPOILERS AGEAD. Absolutely in love with this book, such a lovely story with Christine learning and growing along the book next to Erik (The phantom) just to come to the end of their relationship die to the scars that have shaped the phantom's past. If you have enjoyed the book i trully recommend whatching the musical 'The phantom of the opera' by Andrew Lloyd Webber and the sequel, which is mainly fanfiction made into a Broadway musical, 'Love never dies.' It's such a lovely story which left me in tears for a few weeks and as in many other books i thought the final choice of Christine going along with her childhood sweetheart whas the most childish and yet, selfless thing to do. It totally fits her character and left me destroyed. 💕💕

The Opera House is plagued by OG, aka the Opera Ghost. He seems to be everywhere making demands and controlling the opera house. When he fixes his eyes and heart on Christine, one of the singers, he comes to her as the angel of music. As his obsession gets stronger, she is thrown in peril and a deadly obsession.

3.5. i had fun reading it with a friend, but i wasn't blown away or in love with the story.


They were marvelous red roses that had blossomed in the morning, in the snow, giving a glimpse of life among the dead, for death was all around him. If you know me, then you know that my favorite musical in existence is the Phantom of the Opera. So, I made the decision that I would read the book as its a gothic classic and those are my favorites. This book did not disappoint. It had a fun atmospheric feel as we get told the story of the Raoul, Christine, and Erik (aka the Phantom). When the music stopped, I seemed to hear a noise from the skulls in the heap of bones; it was as though they were chuckling, and I could not help shuddering. My main gripe (both with the book and the musical) is that there is too much focus on Raoul. I don't need him crying every other chapter, what I need is more Erik and Christine content. But besides that, I love this story so much. No one ever sees the Angel; but he is heard by those who are meant to hear him. He often comes when they least expect him, when they are sad and disheartened. 5 out of 5 phantom loving stars.

The first half of this is really great. Super funny. The second half was super intense in action but definitely not as fun. The two main men are annoying. This book brings up conversations about depictions of POC in classics. It also is a good springboard for talking about the way people who are considered "ugly" are portrayed in media and treated in real life. Idk how to rate this so I'm not going to.

"Are people so unhappy when they love?"
"Yes, Christine, when they love and are not sure of being loved."

...No tratéis de consolarle; os dirá que ya se ha consolado; pero si le sucede algún acontecimiento feliz, guardaos de felicitarle por ello; su buena fortuna le parece tan natural que le sorprenderá que le hablen de ella.

It is no ordinary skeleton.

"The eleven o'clock that is to decide life or death!

Yes or no! If your answer is no, everybody will be dead and buried!"

"This," she said, "is a happiness that will harm no one

They rushed in amid great confusion, some giving vent to forced and unnatural laughter, others to cries of terror.

"Oh, tonight I gave you my soul and I am dead!"

Poor, unhappy Erik! Shall we pity him? Shall we curse him? He asked only to be 'some one, like everybody else. But he was too ugly! And he had to hide his genius or use it to play tricks teith, when, with an ordinary face, he would have been one of the most distinguished of mankind! He had a heart that could have held the empire of the world; and in the end he had to content himself with a cellar. Surely we may pity the Opera ghost!
This part broke me

Foi quando o anúncio da morte de Joseph Buquet se encarregara de trazer a recordação brutal de que, cada vez que eles não obedeciam aos desejos do fantasma, logo algum acontecimento fantasioso ou funesto se incumbia de lhes restituir o sentimento de subordinação.