The Possession of Natalie Glasgow

yalll!!!!! I started this thinking WOW I LOVE A POSSESSION STORY & then finished it wondering if something was wrong with me because I found the ending heartwarming. Editing to add more: The Possession of Natalie Glasgow by Hailey Piper is a very short, yet powerful read. I’ve ALWAYS been a fan of possession tales — demonic entities and all that jazz truly freaks me out, making possession stories something that actually crawls underneath my skin long after reading. One thing I LOVED about Hailey’s submission into this horror sub-genre is the fact that it’s different from other possession stories. I had 0 idea what to expect, in fact, I personally have never seen something like this particular story. & no matter how twisted, the ending warmed my heart SO much. This isn’t my first time reading something from Hailey & it definitely will not be my last. 🖤