The Pride of Lions
Easy read

The Pride of Lions

Marsha Canham1997
Henry is generally well-behaved, but he is occasionally arrogant and vain. Henry is at heart a hard worker, but his frequent bouts of illness hinder his work.
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Photo of Sarah
3 stars
Jul 17, 2023

This wasn’t the best read, but it wasn’t the worst. Rather than judging it by what I wanted it to be or what it could have been, I can appreciate it for what it was: a typical historical romance to fill up a couple evenings.

The plot wasn’t overly complicated and the characters weren’t difficult to understand, but I did not feel any particular spark to make the book stand out. I found Catherine, the main female lead, to be somewhat irritating at times. She was impulsive and didn’t think things through, but she only just turned 18 so I kind of understand why she comes off the way she does. Similarly, I found the relationship between her and Alex didn’t progress very naturally. They went from tearing at each other’s throats to tearing off each other’s clothes a little too quickly… only to realize it was because they loved one another from their first encounter. That saying, though the course of their relationship (and the entire novel) spans a solid three weeks, nothing risqué actually happens until 75% in. So, while we have to wait a loooooong time for any spicy moments, they’ve spent so little time together in-novel.

There is a sequel as it does end on a bit of a cliffhanger, but I’m not attached the the characters or their plights enough to continue with the series. If I stumble across the sequel I may pick it up, but I doubt I will go out of my way to find it.

Photo of Lucy
2 stars
Oct 19, 2021


Photo of b.andherbooks
1 star
Oct 9, 2021

This was on a B&N list for "If you like Outlander try this" but besides the 18th century Scottish setting and rebel activity there was really no similarity. I'll take confident, feminist, and bad ass Claire over this vapid annoyance any day. AND despite how annoying I found the main lady, I didn't like how Alexander continuously used sexual acts as a means to punish and control her.

Photo of Lover of Romance
Lover of Romance @addictedtoromance
4 stars
Jan 1, 2023
Photo of Julie D.
Julie D.@luxurists
4 stars
Mar 8, 2022