The Rebel Mages Wandfasted Light Mage

I absolutely love The Black Witch, it is one of my absolute favorite reads along with the Iron Flower. To have a taste of what happened in the past answers so many questions. I really enjoyed Tessla's character and in a way Elloren is so much like her. It's good to see the other side of things and how much the situations in society correlate with what we see in this world today. Also, the fact that Laurie adds trigger warnings to the beginning of Sage's story is admirable. She shares her story with us through her characters and that cannot be easy. Rape is something that goes unseen on a daily basis, being manhandled is something that should be taken more seriously in society. Unfortunately, this is the world we live in. The empowerment that the side characters give Sage helps her believe in herself and push aside the prejudice instilled in her all her life. Sage's story was my favorite in this book. I want more of her! Cannot wait for book 3!