The Rebel Mages

The Rebel Mages Wandfasted Light Mage

Laurie Forest2019
Journey to the magical world of Erthia in these two exciting prequels to The Black Witch by critically acclaimed author Laurie Forest Wandfasted Twenty years before Elloren Gardner enrolled at the illustrious Verpax University, Erthia was rent asunder during the devastating Realm War. When Tessla Harrow is driven from her home by the fighting, she discovers a depth of power she never knew she had...and an irresistible draw toward Vale Gardner, the son of the most powerful mage her people have ever known--the Black Witch. Light Mage Before Elloren Gardner came to possess the White Wand of myth, the Wand was drawn to another bearer: Sagellyn Gaffney. Sage's affinity for light magery, a rare skill among Gardnerians, makes her the perfect protector for the one tool that can combat the shadows spreading across Erthia. But in order to keep the Wand safe from the dark forces hunting for it, Sage must abandon everything she once knew and forge a new path for herself...a dangerous course that could lead to either triumph or utter ruin.
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Photo of Ve
Ve @ve_xo
5 stars
Aug 26, 2022

I absolutely love The Black Witch, it is one of my absolute favorite reads along with the Iron Flower. To have a taste of what happened in the past answers so many questions. I really enjoyed Tessla's character and in a way Elloren is so much like her. It's good to see the other side of things and how much the situations in society correlate with what we see in this world today. Also, the fact that Laurie adds trigger warnings to the beginning of Sage's story is admirable. She shares her story with us through her characters and that cannot be easy. Rape is something that goes unseen on a daily basis, being manhandled is something that should be taken more seriously in society. Unfortunately, this is the world we live in. The empowerment that the side characters give Sage helps her believe in herself and push aside the prejudice instilled in her all her life. Sage's story was my favorite in this book. I want more of her! Cannot wait for book 3!

Photo of ayani
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Samantha Hernandez@lovesam101289
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Allison Baker@allisonb
5 stars
Dec 17, 2021
Photo of Jaylin Prince
Jaylin Prince@jaylinprince
5 stars
Oct 19, 2021
Photo of Cori McCarthy
Cori McCarthy@corimccarthy01
5 stars
Sep 5, 2021