The Recovery
Realm hopes that with each past he helps to recover, he’ll be able to reclaim a small bit of his own in this spinoff story to Suzanne Young’s bestselling duology, The Program and The Treatment. Six months after the fall of The Program, ex-handler Michael Realm is struggling with his guilt. After all, he was instrumental in erasing the memories of several patients—including one he claimed to love. With a lifetime of regret stretched before him, Realm vows to set things right. Along with his friend (yes, friend) James Murphy, Realm will track down those he’s hurt in an attempt to give them back their lives—starting with Dallas Stone. He’s not looking for forgiveness or redemption; he’s not a hero. But helping others may be the only way to save himself.

this feels a bit like an info dump but its good!

Laura Yaneth Martinez@lauris
Well I did enjoy the Program along with its sequel but this "short story" bit was pretty disappointing. Not recommended to read because it is very empty and irrelevant to the story's purpose. Instead check out Suzanne Young's THE REMEDY! It is an amazing novel, better than the program although they are very similar I LOVE them both!

Audrey Lord@somebookdevourer

Beckah brooks@becks_reads

Sarahi Flores@thrillerromance

Elfie Jeong@peachuuus

Laney Leichter@lleichter

Gisela Arranz@dancingbookdragon

Cassidy Kovac@cassidyk17