The Sandman
The story begins with a series of letters between Nathanael, his fiancée Clara, and her brother Lothar. Nathanael describes a childhood fear of a creature called The Sandman who was said to come at night and steal the eyes of children, which intermingled with a the appearance of a man named Coppelius in his father's room some nights to work on what appears to have been alchemy. This man once attacked Nathanael, threatening to take his eyes, and later killed his father before disappearing.
Phoebe Crewe @bumblebibi
Brianna Best@bookingitwithbri
Stefan R. Schmid@weltlage
Chloe Bostick@strwbrrychlo
Elle Dyer@ellxbllx
Stephanie Almogabar@steph_a
Roberta Bohotici@stejar
Gustina Jaraite@gusti
Jose Lito@joselito3
Zoe Stanford@zoettastanford
Julia Pramhaas @julia_p
Marisa Saavedra@SealandElf