The Sea Was a Fair Master

Thank you so much to Calvin Demmer for sending me a copy of The Sea Was a Fair Master to review! Flash Fiction (flash fic·tion), noun.: fiction that is extremely brief, typically only a few hundred words or fewer in its entirety. difficult to write & yet Calvin Demmer nailed the shit out of it. When it comes to flash fiction, you have only a matter of seconds to grasp the reader, set up characters, & deliver a plot. Y'all, sometimes people can't even do that in a full-length novel, yet here's Calvin Demmer servin' us with some exceptional bite-sized reads. Prior to reading The Sea Was a Fair Master, I seen a lot of positive reviews, but I was still semi-nervous to read this collection of extremely short shorts, because wow -- can flash fiction actually be good? Will I even be able to write a proper review? The answer is yes & this collection is proof. Calvin Demmer also managed to include so many plot twists in such few words. Every time I started a story, I was so excited to see what direction it would take me. & because of that, each story was extremely unique to both the others in the collection, but just horror, in general. The Sea Was a Fair Master includes a wide-range of horror sub-genres; androids, ghosts, serial killers & more all come out to play in this collection. I, personally, am a big fan of slasher/serial killer fiction, so just imagine how pleased I was to see that there were multiple stories that played to my interests. Favorites in The Sea Was a Fair Master: - Underneath - The Peeper - Hangman - Noisey Neighbors These flash fiction pieces are the ones to REALLY stick out to me, but I gotta be honest — there’s not one story in here that I didn’t like. And, if it means anything, I tried my best to savor this collection. I typically rush everything I do, BECAUSE THERE’S ALWAYS SO MUCH TO DO. But, I wanted this to last forever. The good news is — I can always just reread it & I’m positive I’ll still love it as much as the first time. My main question now is — WHEN THE HELL AM I GONNA GET A CALVIN DEMMER ANTHOLOGY FILM?! I can go on & on with this rave-review, but instead, you guys should do me a solid & read the DANG BOOK YOURSELF? It’ll be worth your time, I promise. ♥ & I’ll be over here seeing what other Calvin Demmer works I can get my hands on & read.