The Short Reign of Pippin IV A Fabrication

This was a surprisingly charming book. Steinbeck has some diverse works under his belt, and yet despite that I think this book may be the most unlike the other things he's written. It certainly struck a different chord than I am used to from Steinbeck. True, it still had many of the elements Steinbeck is well known for. There is a touch of Americana in some of the characters that were "American Royalty" not royal by blood, but by stature. There is the expected wit and eye for humanity that Steinbeck has as well, yet still felt apart from his other works to me. But the long and short of it is: this book was humorous and humble and it charmed me completely. It's in my top 5 for Steinbeck Books.

This was a surprisingly charming book. Steinbeck has some diverse works under his belt, and yet despite that I think this book may be the most unlike the other things he's written. It certainly struck a different chord than I am used to from Steinbeck. True, it still had many of the elements Steinbeck is well known for. There is a touch of Americana in some of the characters that were "American Royalty" not royal by blood, but by stature. There is the expected wit and eye for humanity that Steinbeck has as well, yet still felt apart from his other works to me. But the long and short of it is: this book was humorous and humble and it charmed me completely. It's in my top 5 for Steinbeck Books.