The Sudden Appearance of Hope
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The Sudden Appearance of Hope

Claire North2016
My name is Hope Arden, and you won't know who I am. But we've met before-a thousand times. It started when I was sixteen years old. A father forgetting to drive me to school. A mother setting the table for three, not four. A friend who looks at me and sees a stranger. No matter what I do, the words I say, the crimes I commit, you will never remember who I am. That makes my life difficult. It also makes me dangerous. The Sudden Appearance of Hope is the tale of a girl no one remembers, yet her story will stay with you forever.
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Photo of Laura Dobie
Laura Dobie@MovingToyshop
Photo of Laura Dobie
Laura Dobie@MovingToyshop
Photo of Laura Dobie
Laura Dobie@MovingToyshop
Photo of Laura Dobie
Laura Dobie@MovingToyshop
Photo of Laura Dobie
Laura Dobie@MovingToyshop
Photo of Laura Dobie
Laura Dobie@MovingToyshop
Photo of Laura Dobie
Laura Dobie@MovingToyshop
Photo of Laura Dobie
Laura Dobie@MovingToyshop