
Not the kind of book for me. I can’t help but feel like I just wasted a day of my life listening to this…. It just feels really immature, even for a high school summer love. Felt pointless with no meaning.

The author's writing is beautiful but the plot feels confusing overall I don't like how the story jumps around in time instead of following a normal sequence moving from age 14 to 11 to 9, and so on. I do enjoy the breezy summer vibes in the book but it's not my favourite. Honestly I don't see the hype.


(i listened to the audiobook) i want to be clear that these stars are for lola tung’s voice and nothing else

I knew the whole plot from the first chapter. Still fun, still cried. Belly is a huge simp, respectfully. I'm glad I can finally watch the amazon series. ♡
Team Conrad fo shoo

I loved this book so much. I started reading it because I liked the show but the book was just 100% better. I couldn't stop reading it.

it was a cute book but also very mediocre.

ashamed i finished this very quickly very mediocre but 2 stars because it’s fun sometimes

it was cute i read it pretty damn fast. this the perfect book for my delulu ass

I loved the series so gave the book a try. I liked experiencing the flashbacks and the links they had to the present story. I love Conrad, but I hate him. Both Conrad and Jeremiah are toxic as hell. Taylor is a whole different story, she just isn't nice and I appreciate show Taylor WAY more now. I listened to this and Lola Tung read it. That made the experience so much better, she has such a beautiful voice.

guess I’ll just stick to the show, I can’t stand book belly

Ahhhhh :) I loved this so much, surprisingly so. First of all, I'd like to say that all the people who hate Belly have either, never been 15 before or just outright refuse to accept that teenagers are, in fact, whiny and nosy and obnoxious and dramatic. It was so embarassing (not really) that this book that I started to read with no expectations, not a single spark of curiosity inside me attacked me with such a clear reflection of myself in Belly when I was her age, in her dramatics of I hate... and infatuation with this new species of boys that has been unlocked to her, who are wondrous and so so hateful, her desperation to fit in among her peers, her relationship with her mother and Suzannah, how they contrasted; her dislike for her mother stemming from being young and clueless of how much one's mother does for them and that you're blind to it because you're just so self-involved, so desperate to prove you're something other than your mother's little one. Oh, I can go on and on. You silly little book, you did not have the right to affect me the way you did. No opinion on Jeremiah but plenty of em on Conrad. I don't think whatever shit you are going through renders it impossible for you to be a decent human being, someone who has at least basic freaking decency to not be an ass all the time. He could've been better but in the end, rememering the actor who plays Conrad in the show made his interactions with Belly bearable for me and Belly's love for him, although doomed and stupid because it is a first love after all, no matter how rooted in infatuation and lack of cuter boys around her, made me smile at how innocent young love is. I definitely teared up in the end. The potrayal of familial love was so realistic and heartwarming and so. I loved everything about this, seriously. So looking forward to book #2! Hope it's as good as this one was. I still can't believe how true and real this book got from the very first page, like. Wow. Also was it just me who got We Were Liars vibes from this with the beach house and a group of kids and things slowly falling apart by the end? A bit different as this isn't a thriller but the resemblance was pretty hard to ignore.

I don't usually read contemporary YA & what I mean by that is that I barely read of the genre. As a matter of fact, I avoid it at all cost. What made me change my mind you might wonder? Well, this little book called Anna & the French Kiss by Stephanie Perkins, which if you haven't read please do, it's simply brilliant! Anyway, I've heard great things about this book, but I never even consider reading it. I even read the synopsis to see if maybe I changed my mind, but I found it atrocious & swore I wouldn't read it. But if you like books and I'm guessing you do if you are reading this, the you might find from time to time wondering wtf is wrong with some books today. Like, seriously lately there are so much clichés in books nowadays trying to imitate Twilight's success that it made me sad. Depress even. I didn't read a book for ALMOST TWO WEEKS! Because I didn't saw a book worth reading (YA of course). Just when I thought I was a lost cause & I would have to conform with classic literature, I decided to give this book a chance & holy cow if I didn't did the right thing! The Summer I Turned Pretty restored my faith in YA. Here is a beautiful story which seems to be just another boy meets girl & boy has a brother story, but which is actually so sweet and so well written that it's actually kind of freaking awesome. What I'm trying to say is, if you haven't read this because it seems dubious & that it will be just another story, well, READ IT, because you my friend are in for a sweet, cotton-filled, smothering, brother-packed love story that will have you waiting for more. Overall, The Summer I Turned Pretty is the perfect light story to make you feel better and it's all Jenny Han's labor.

Overall, a really enjoyable read. I started it, expecting it to be just like the adapted TV show, but it wasn't. The plot, the order of events, the details, and the characters were all a bit different. I liked how Belly's motivations and character were portrayed for the reader. One thing that the TV show did a bit better was show a deeper friendship between Belly and Taylor. Maybe the second book will do that. The Summer I Turned Pretty felt short and sweet and made me want to start the next book right away (especially after the very last chapter).

not reading books for movies anymore

Maybe I'm just too old for these types of reads, but I honestly think my 14-year-old sister would be too mature for this book. Sooooo take that as you will

Belly is insufferable

vi la serie (solo la primera temporada cuando salió jeje) y me dieron ganas de leer los libros, por fin me animé y fue casi imposible terminar éste, en verdad estuve a nada de dnf. belly tiene la personalidad de una servilleta, verdaderamente insufrible todes los personajes de esta historia, menos las mamás. ugh !!!

3.75⭐️ stop it this was so cute! I had to finish it before watching the show and I absolutely devoured this book. Reading this filled my heart with happiness and it felt like a hug. I honestly wasn’t sure who I was rooting for cause Jeremiah was so sweet to her and I loved their friendship but also Conraaaad. Conrad and Belly’s dynamic was so intriguing and I’m excited to see how that develops, which led me to root more for Conrad. I feel like I’ll have a better image of the overall relationship dynamics as I read the next two books, and I’m so excited for it! This was extremely cute and the perfect start of summer. I cannot wait for more :)

Cute lil easy read, I wish I could have gotten more from the slow burn. I enjoyed the journey but wouldn’t re read.
Genuinely believe the book might have been too young for my taste.

The show is as better

This book was a total cliché but the details sort of made up for it. The plot's pretty simple. I love it, even though it brings up unwanted memories from my own childhood. I think I could have enjoyed this book more if I read it earlier. Belly kind of pissed me off. She seemed conceited and pushy and immature... what to be expected of a pre-teen and whatnot. So I'm expecting a lot more growth on the next book. A big round of applause to Jenny Han for creating a nice summer world with realistic memories.

‘Niemand kan je een gevoel geven, Belly. Niet zonder jouw toestemming.’ - Laurel

I don't know that he was as good-looking as Susannah was beautiful, but that might've just been because I loved Susannah more than almost anyone, who could ever measure up to person like that? Sometimes it's like people are a million times more beautiful to you in your mind. lts ike you see them through a special lens-but maybe if it's how you see them, that’s how they really are. It's like the whole tree falling in the forest thing.
pg. 47

Susannah was dying, and I was kissing Conrad.

I stared at him. Wasn't he the one who was supposed to be convincing me? "Are you serious?" What I really wanted to say was, Are you gay?

“Truth or dare?" Taylor asked Conrad.
"I’m not playing," he said.
Taylor pouted. "Don't be so gay'' she said.
Jeremiah said, “You shouldn't use the word 'gay' like that."
<3 Jeremiah

Conrad looked at me and said, "What's with the perfume? It's giving me a headache. And why are you wearing all that makeup?”

The next day my mother didn’t mention anything, but she didn’t have to. She could make me feel guilty without saying a word.

Its the imperfections that make things beautiful.”

He made it so hard not to love him. When he was sweet like this, I remembered why I did. Used to love him, I mean.
I remembered everything.

“Nice job,” he said, giving me one of his rare smiles. I felt like I had won the lottery from that one smile.
“I play to win,” I told him. I knew he did too.

Steven still looked grumpy, and he said, “Con, take my spot.”
“All right,” Conrad said, but his voice said he didn’t want to at all.
When he swam over to me, I said defensively, “I’m not that heavy.”
“I never said you were.” Then he stooped in front of me, and I climbed on top. His shoulders were more muscular than Jeremiah’s, more weighty. “You okay up there?”

And of course Jeremiah had never looked at me that way before either. I was his pal. His movie-watching partner, the girl he shared a bathroom with, shared secrets with. I wasn’t the girl he kissed.

He pulled on my foot, drawing me closer. Being this close to him was making me feel dizzy and nervous. I said it again, one last time, even though I didn’t mean it. “Conrad, let go of me.” u
He did. And then he dunked me. It didn’t matter. I was already holding my breath.

Smirky mouths make you want to kiss them, to smooth them out and kiss the smirkiness away. Or maybe not away … but you want to control it somehow. Make it yours. It was exactly what I wanted to do with Conrad. Make him mine.

For me, it was almost like winter didn’t count. Summer was what mattered. My whole life was measured in summers. Like I don’t really begin living until June, until I’m at that beach, in that house.

Susannah told me that when I was born, she knew I was destined for one of her boys. She said it was fate.

For younger ages
I didn’t like the storyline
Wouldn’t recommend
Easy to read

For me, is almost like winter didn't count. Summer was what mattered. My whole life was measured in summers

“I can’t believe he has to ask. I would go anywhere.
‘Yes,’ I tall him. It feels like nothing else exists outside of that word, this moment. There’s just us. Everything that happened this past summer, and every summer before it, has all led up to this. To now.”

“Even paradise could be suffocating.”

“I wondered if it was possible to take someone’s pain away with a kiss. Because that was what I wanted to do, take all of his sadness and pour it out of him, comfort him, make the boy I knew come back.”

“The old pull, the tide drawing me back in. I kept getting caught in this current—first love, I mean. First love kept making me come back to this, to him. He still took my breath away, just being near him. I had been lying to myself the night before, thinking I was free, thinking I had let him go. It didn’t matter what he said or did, I’d never let him go.”

“She’d know me my whole life. It’s hard to throw away history. It was like you were throwing away a part of yourself.”