
This book was such a great read! I love the way the author writes and I love the characters. They’re real and gritty and imperfect. The clever way she entwines all the people really carries you through the book and makes it hard to set down.
SPOILERS: I do have to confess this book lost a star for me simply because it’s a teenage romance. Call me a cynic but.. when two 17 year olds meet and in less than 24 hours are busting out the l word and altering the trajectory of their lives for one another it just feels a bit too little-mermaid-but-daddy-I-love-him for me. I wish I could have enjoyed that part more but it kinda just had me rolling my eyes.
Either way it’s still an awesome read and I would recommend! Just be prepared for it to be a little sickly sweet 🫶

This book is so meaningful and sweet, but boy is it outrageous 😅
I looooved the backstories and side notes. I think that added so much to the story.

Little too much love in this one for me. I also don’t like the end of the epilogue

it had been a long time since i read this book but even the second time around yoon captivated me. i love the idea that everything is connected, our fate, and even relationships with people are bound somewhere out in the universe. also our impact to this world as yoon described is so much bigger than we think.

Panebože. Před chvílí jsem Slunce je také hvězda dočetla, a upřímně nemám slov. Ke konci jsem plakala tak moc, nechápu, kde se ve mně tolik citů bere. Tuhle knížku jsem několik měsíců odkládala s tím, že je to jen další romantická knížka, pojednávající jen a pouze o lásce a šťastných koncích. Byla jsem ale velmi mile překvapena. V knize se řeší hodně (zejména rodinných) důležitých témat, jako nepřijetí, pocit viny, vzdávání se, atd.. Dále se mi hodně líbilo krásné vykreslení několika osudů, které se navzájem proplétají a vytvářejí tak dokonalý paralelní svět. Pokud potřebujete něco klidného, romantického, ale k zamyšlení, doporučuji vám Slunce je také hvězda. Jsem si jistá, že vás nezklame. ✩ 5*/5*

I didn't ~love~ the too-far-from-reality nature of this book, but it was nonetheless cute and sappy enough to be enjoyed. I did, however, LOVE this quote: "Maybe part of falling in love with someone else is also falling in love with yourself."

Anyone who knows me knows how much I loved Yoon's first book Everything, Everything. I'm always hesitant when the second book comes - will it be as good? If possible, this one is better. Such a fantastic read.

🍫 November is almost over and this is the last book of the month and it's always been wonderful to immerse myself in a book away from the world. Thankyou @im_perfect_in_tro_vert for lending me such a wonderful book,and @nicolayoon Thank you for a wonderful story💖. 🍭🍭🍭🍭🍭🍭🍭🍭🍭🍭🍭🍭 #currentreading: The Sun is also a star -@nicolayoon Hola #bookstagram family.In this book,the way love is expressed is so fresh,cute and impressive. It's a coming of age novel involving two immigrants to America from two very different parts of the world one a Jamaican Natasha and the other a Korean-American Daniel. There meeting happens on a crowded New York City street. And how they make changes in each other's lives. How their lives will be the day after their meeting? How their families are different in various aspects? There are strong use of language here and there. It is very hard to find a story involving two interracial people. I am in awe with how Ms.Yoon kept the story in each of the characters perspective not affecting the flow of the storyline 💖. For #bookstagrammers like me this must be in your #toberead list. .. ... ..... ........... #Qotd: what's up this weekend guys?Did you complete a long pending task lately? What have you been up to this November? #ilovebooks📚 #goodreads #epicreads #booksofinstagram #novel #igbooks #bookgasm #readingforlife #reading #bookinstagram #bookblogger #bibliophile #bookworm #unitedbookstagram #bookishfeatures #booknerd #penguinuk #penguinbooks #thesunisalsoastar

Delia, the BEST gift ever. ❤

Es un libro precioso con un historia hermosa, amo la manera en que las diferentes historias y detalles de otros personajes se van entrelazando entre sí, me encantó 4.5 ⭐️

★★★★ // “our history is too compressed. we’re trying to fit a lifetime into a day."

The epilogue made me cry oh gosh. Review tomorrow.

the whole book is beautiful, for someone new to the world of stoicism and yet leaning towards the definition of fate, every step of the way made me smile. but, there was a but in it for me, hence the docking of a star.

oh my god... i didn’t really start getting into the book until like towards the middle but it’s so beautiful and that ending...

I almost gave this book a 1 star I get that the whole story, the whole takes place in one day. Normally I would Nicola Yoon her books higher than this. But this book didn't interest me so much. The instant love that takes place and it's just one day, it is faith this and destiny this and we are meant to be that. Also, the opposites attract trope is in here. The only positive thing I have about this book is that it wasn't that boring that I could not read it at all, it did have some interesting things. I loved the nirvana reference in the book.

Book #105 Read in 2016 The Sun is Also a Star by Nicola Yoon I love Yoon's book Everything Everything and was excited for a chance to review her new one and it did not disappoint. Natasha is a teenage girl, a undocumented immigrant, a believer of science and not love. Daniel is a Korean American teenage boy with the soul of a poet, even though he is supposedly going to college to become a doctor. The two meet, connect and dare we say fall in love? Is it love? Fate? Destiny? The ending totally makes this it! I received a copy of this book from Amazon Vine in exchange for a honest review. Loved it.


4.5 / 5 Quotes: - Names are powerful things. They act as an identity marker and a kind of map, locating you in time and geography. More than that, they can be a compass. - People spend their whole lives looking for love. Poems and songs and entire novels are written about it. But how can you trust something that can end as suddenly as it begins? - We are born to dream and make the things we dream about. - Life is just a series of dumb decisions and indecisions and coincidences that we choose to ascribe meaning to. - We think we want all the time in the world with the people we love, but maybe what we need is the opposite. Just a finite amount of time, so we still think the other person is interesting. Maybe we don’t need acts two and three. Maybe love is best in act one. - Some people exist in your life to make it better. Some people exist to make it worse. - Hearts don’t break. It’s just another thing the poets say. Hearts are not made Of glass Or bone Or any material that could Splinter Or Fragment Or Shatter. They don’t Crack Into Pieces. They don’t Fall Apart. Hearts don’t break. They just stop working. An old watch from another time and no parts to fix it. - People make mistakes all the time. Small ones, like you get in the wrong checkout line. The one with the lady with a hundred coupons and a checkbook. Sometimes you make medium-sized ones. You go to medical school instead of pursuing your passion. Sometimes you make big ones. You give up. - Almost everything in the night sky gives off light. Even if we can’t see it, the light is still there.

One of the best books that I've ever heard.

You know the kind of books that just leave you with repressed emotional trauma after you're done with them? This is one such book. Top-tier. Nicola Yoon is right up there with authors like John Green and Neil Gaiman.

The Sun is Also a Star is a super sweet, romantic tale of two strangers falling in love. I had no idea what I was in for when I picked up this book. I do love a hopeless romantic type book, but I didn't know that I was going to love it this much! The shock and surprise I had when I was instantly glued to this book was MASSIVE. I couldn't believe that a contemporary YA romance novel could hold me so well. Books like this haven't held me this close since my high school days! Nicola Yoon did a great job! So, we have Natasha - a more scientific - who is trying to find a way to stay in America since her family is being deported to Jamaica. Then we have Daniel - a hopeless romantic - who is trying to figure out what to do in life since he wants to be a poet but his traditional Korean parents want him to be a doctor. These two meet on accident and teach each other how to fall in love. This book is just so sweet. The story takes place over a couple days, and we see these two love birds accept their fate. It's almost a Romeo and Juliet tale, minus the death part. They are from two worlds and might not be the best couple to meet at this very moment. If you are the hopeless romantic type who loves cheesey romance then this book is for you. It's not a book that I'd solely stick in the YA pot either, it's easily a book adults can enjoy. The only big YA thing is that the leads are young adults. Romance like this doesn't need to be stuck on the YA shelf in our local bookstores. Throw it up on the YA shelf, the Romance shelf and the Contemporary shelf. This book is all around lovely! And the epilogue gives a lot of hope!! On another note, the original cover of this book is ridiculously beautiful. Don't get started on me that the movie cover is cool as well, it is, but I always like the original covers better. It's just so pretty! Overall, I think this book is fun! I really enjoyed this novel and I will definitely be trying to grab more books by Nicola Yoon in the future. Her writing style, flow and tone matched so well with my reading style. I'm blown away! I need more books that pull me in like this in my life right now! So great! And I can finally watch the movies now! I'm one of those losers that wants to read the book first. Now I gotta get my hands on a copy of that DVD... Five out of five stars.

I actually think it's more of a 3.5, i really liked it and thought that it was a fun read however i was not as invested or attached to both of the characters but the ending, the ending was just like, wow, i was not expecting that at all

At first, I would’ve referred to this book as extremely overrated. After finishing it, I have to reconsider that analysis. It took a while to get into, but it’s worth it just for the contrast in character personalities! I can’t fathom how the two got along so well, as they saw the world through very different eyes. Overall, it was a very original story of love and loss, of coming together and drifting apart, and of the different workings of the brain that make us who we are.

We are capable of big lives. A big history. Why settle? Why choose the practical thing, the mundane thing? We are born to dream and make the things we dream about.

He was some exotic planet and I was his favourite satellite. But he's no planet, just the final fading light of an already dead star. And I'm not a satellite. I'm space junk, hurtling as far as I can away from him.