The Turn of the Key
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The Turn of the Key

Ruth Ware — 2020
THEIR DREAM HOUSE WILL BECOME HER WORST NIGHTMARE 'Ruth Ware just gets better and better' Lisa Jewell, bestselling author of The Family Upstairs 'The queen of creepy crime' Metro When Rowan comes across the advert, it seems too good to be true: a live-in nanny position, with an extremely generous salary. What she doesn't know is that she's stepping into a nightmare - one that will end with her in a cell awaiting trial for murder. She knows she's made mistakes. But she's not guilty - at least not of murder. Which means someone else is... THE TURN OF THE KEY IS: 'Eerie and Tense' Prima 'Dark and dramatic' AJ Finn, bestselling author of The Woman in the Window 'Deliciously dark and spooky' Sunday Mirror 'Powerfully atmospheric, unguessably twisty' Louise Candlish, bestselling author of Our House
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Photo of Ryan Mateyk
Ryan Mateyk@the_rybrary
4 stars
Jul 4, 2024

This was lots of fun and I found it better than the Ruth Ware novels I've previously read (In a Dark Dark Wood and The Woman in Cabin 10). It has a fairly basic premise but lots of twists and turns are thrown in along the way. I found the ending was really abrupt, but at least everything was taken care of (I wasn't sure it would be).

Photo of bee
4 stars
Jun 8, 2024

oh, damn. i'm surprised, bitter, and i want a movie of this book. i loved the atmosphere, i was genuinely scared reading it and i really liked the fmc.

Photo of ayoni
3 stars
Jun 3, 2024

meh.. it's an easy story to get with but the ending just doesn't make sense, it could've been more explosive and interesting. there are a lot of loop holes in the story when you compare it with the final revelation. but at the same time, it's not too bad!

Photo of Ryan
Ryan @ryandoesread
2 stars
Jan 19, 2024

wtf. seriously tho, WHAT THE FUCK. it's one of those books where if you read the last page, it would spoil everything. that is to say that I'm very underwhelmed with this book with how everything come to a conclusion. More to come

Photo of Melissa Palmer
Melissa Palmer@melissapalmer404
4 stars
Nov 5, 2023

This is a gothic, ghosty tale that has good twists and turns. A creepy good read.

Photo of Ashlyn
1.5 stars
Oct 6, 2023

Ugh, this is not my jam. A local book club is reading this alongside Henry James's The Turn of the Screw, which I love, so I felt up to the task of reading this modern retelling.

From the first half dozen pages I could tell the writing was immature, but I gave it a chance (stove I don't believe in rating/reviewing books that haven't been read in entirety). It didn't get much better and the plot was hot garbage in comparison with the genius James piece. While James evenhandedly spreads breadcrumbs in two exclusive interpretations, Ware spells out everything in ELI5 fashion, leaving no room for imagination or difference of opinion as to what might've happened. I suppose some readers (actually quite a lot of readers, it turns out) like this kind of hand-holding, but that is certainly not my demographic. Maybe I would have enjoyed this if I were an adolescent 🤷🏼‍♀️

C'est la vie, and at least it didn't take much time to read.

Photo of Denaiir
5 stars
Oct 3, 2023

4.5 stars. This reconciled me with the psychological thriller genre. I'm normally more of a serial killer / procedural kind of gal, but this one was masterfully crafted and I enjoyed every scene, the build-up was amazing, the characters were all intriguing (of course we know there's a problem with Rowan, but Jean and Jack seemed like they had something to hide). The only thing that let me down a little was the ending, I even thought I had missed something because it was casually swept under the rug. So yes a bit anticlimactic but it didn't ruin the book. The narration by Imogen Church also contributed greatly to the creepy atmosphere, her take on the "creak, creaaaak" in the attic was chilling, and her narration was spot-on. I think I would probably have enjoyed the book a little bit less if I hadn't been so immersed in the story thanks to Church's interpretation

Photo of Amal Hassan
Amal Hassan@amalina
5 stars
Sep 29, 2023


Photo of Lara Engle
Lara Engle@bzzlarabzz
3 stars
Aug 23, 2023

So, I don't really think Ruth Ware books are for me. They're a nice diversion and all, but the characters are generally rather insipid and simplistic and the *shocking twists* are not really all that shocking or interesting. In this case, the main character is a wimpy nanny named Rowan who isn't really all that good at her job. The family she works for is a bunch of cardboard cutouts of pretty terrible people and ... *SNORE*. Anyway, the writing isn't bad and they're quick to read, so read this instead of a romance novel, if you want.

Photo of Aims
4 stars
Aug 20, 2023

A fun easy read. Has lots of holes in the story though and the ending just isn’t very believable, which kind of ruined it.

Photo of Alexis Donahue
Alexis Donahue@donahuealexis
4.5 stars
Jul 20, 2023

The plot twist though... 👀! When it was revealed that Rowan’s dad was her employer and the children’s father and the kids were her siblings my jaw literally dropped to the floor! I could not believe that Miss Ruth even went there. 😮 What a good story, even paced and interesting. And the end letters… 😱 Ellie really being the one who pushed her sister out the window and the reason for why … WOW! Just WOW!

This review contains a spoiler
Photo of Bookworm
4 stars
May 27, 2023

Enjoyed the book a lot. Although the story wrapped up nicely, I do wish we found out the final verdict about the main character… although I guess you can predict it. I don’t want to predict it, I want solid answers! I also disliked how long it took to get to the juicy part of the story. It was a lot of going back and forth. It could’ve been a bit shorter if we got to the point faster.

Photo of Harlee K
Harlee K@harleemai
4.5 stars
May 27, 2023

Crazy ending!!!

Very much enjoyed this book. My fourth Ruth Ware book in the last month - definitely a different vibe than the others. A little more creepy! I know it’s her thing to leave some questions unanswered at the end… but man, I wish I knew a little more!

Photo of Krystyna
Krystyna @adoseofcozy
5 stars
May 15, 2023

This was my first Ruth Ware and it definitely did not disappoint. I really enjoyed this book and was definitely flipping pages on the edge of my seat to find out what was going to happen. I initially closed this book and thought oh my gosh that was so good and had the inclination to rate it 5 stars. After I thought for a few seconds, I realized there was so much more that I wanted that was left open. I'm perfectly fine with open endings that are up to the reader's interpretation. However, there was so much left open that I decided to deduct a star. Also, in the beginning I found the main character to be kind of annoying and repetitive. Regardless, of the small issues I had with this book, it was such a great read! I started this book a while back and read to page 27 and then set it aside for other books that I had to read for a deadline. When I picked it back up I read the remainder of the book in a day. I devoured it. If it continues to stick with me and I think it needs the extra star I may bump it up. But, I would recommend this if you like suspense thrillers. If you enjoyed Lock Every Door by Riley Sager then I think you'd enjoy this. It was definitely a gripping read that kept me glued to the pages.

Photo of Kayla Julien
Kayla Julien @kjulien4
4 stars
Feb 7, 2023

I thought it ended a little too early, it left a few questions. But still a good story.

Photo of Allie Bilawchuk
Allie Bilawchuk@alliebilawchuk
3 stars
Feb 6, 2023

While it took me a long time to get into this book, around 70% I just couldn’t put it down. The plot twists were insane and unpredictable (at least for me). 3.5 stars

Photo of menna
4 stars
Jan 31, 2023


Photo of Shreya Punj
Shreya Punj@theeditorrecommends
2 stars
Jan 24, 2023

A superbly average book that you can skip reading. Sigh.

Photo of dija
2 stars
Jan 23, 2023

The beginning was promising but it kept getting bullshittier and what the fuck was the ending????

Photo of Rachel Kanyid
Rachel Kanyid@mccallmekanyid
5 stars
Jan 15, 2023

Oh my gosh. So good. I highly recommend this if you are looking for a semi-supernatural thriller!

Photo of Teara
Teara @multipass
4.5 stars
Jan 9, 2023

Awesome. I figured out the first twist, but the 2 at the end... did not see those coming. Very good!

Photo of Izza
3 stars
Dec 9, 2022

3.75 stars | I think my expectations were a little to high.

Photo of Norma gruden
Norma gruden@normag
4 stars
Nov 1, 2022

Creek... Creek... Creek

Photo of sophia n
sophia n@nyx
3 stars
Sep 16, 2022

loved the setting and details in this story, the smart home, the parents and the handyman, the kids, and even just all the little details of the surrounding things and small events happening were really creepy and good. i unfortunately felt like i called one of the big reveals like 10 minutes in, i was only truly surprised by one thing being revealed, but it also felt like it came a bit late in the story and all rushed a bit too much to the end. i actually didn't have a problem with the ending reveal itself, but it also felt a little deflating instead of a creepy or interesting note to leave the reader on. overall i enjoyed reading this but had a few things i wish went a little differently.

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